The mother jumped desperate to save her son and broke her leg


NIKOLA'S PARENTS (7) THE VICTIM UNDER THE TRACTOR DOES NOT KNOW ABOUT THEMSELVES: Desperate mother jumped to save her son, then broke her leg

Taken for expert examination: tractor that killed the child, Photo: Tamara Trajković

The mother of the unfortunate Nikola Jovanović (7), who died in the village of Borović near Obrenovac on Friday, broke her leg falling from a tractor while trying to save her son. The moment the boy flew under the wheel, she jumped after him, but the boy was not spared.

The injured child’s parents are on heavy medication and hardly know themselves. Yesterday, the children’s grandfather, Vladan Jovanović, explained to Kurir that the doctors came to them again to give them sedatives.

“The father does not know himself because of the pain and sadness. A tortured mother, like all of us, does not stop crying. The pain destroys our breasts and there is nothing we can do,” says the grandfather with red eyes for the tears.

photo: Tamara Trajković

The wheel hit it

He explains that no one is clear about what exactly happened and why his grandson tried to jump off the tractor.

“They went to collect those two more bales of straw that were left in the field. There they are, they can still be seen. They are right next to my house … My son stopped the tractor to hitch the bale. Little Nikola sitting on his left and his daughter-in-law on his right. A moment before coming to a full stop, Nikola tried to jump off the tractor, probably to get off first, however the wheel hit him and he hit his head hard on the asphalt. he turned around and stopped only half a circle more ”, says the unhappy grandfather, in front of whose house the tragedy happened, adding:

“I don’t know if the wheel went over him or not. A lot of blood came out of his head and nose, I didn’t see any other injuries. The body is at autopsy, so we’ll see what caused the death, none of us you can say for sure. ” what exactly happened and what was fatal for my grandson, be it that blow to the head or the fact that the tire hit him, ”says the grandfather.

The boy's neighbor was shocked to learn that he had died
The boy’s neighbor was shocked to learn that he had diedphoto: Tamara Trajković

According to him, while Nikola was falling, his daughter-in-law jumped from the tractor.

There is no consolation

“He rushed to see what was wrong with the boy and how he jumped off the tractor, broke his leg. But even that is nothing compared to the pain he feels for Nikola now. I think if he could, he would give both if Nikola were alive.” , He says. inconsolable grandfather.

Several friends and family gathered yesterday at Jovanović’s home to serve his disgruntled parents, but it seems there was no consolation for them.

“The father does not know what he is talking about, he is completely lost and of course, Nikola was tied to him. He loved the tractor and being with his dad in it. He helped him. There is no consolation for him and so it will be who knows.” How long. May God give you the strength to endure all this ”, says one of the relatives.

Inconsolable relatives of the victim Nikola in front of the family home.
Inconsolable relatives of the victim Nikola in front of the family Tamara Trajković

According to the neighbors, the Jovanović, in addition to Nikola, have four children, the sisters are older than him and are inconsolable in their grief.


Children die on tractors

DR (12) from the village of Pridvornica near Smederevska Palanka was killed on September 25 this year when a tractor driving in the yard overturned and immobilized him. The tragedy happened in front of the occupants.

ST (11) died in 2018 when a tractor overturned in the Dedinac village area near Kuršumlija. The boy was on a tractor with a trailer, which then suddenly rolled over and succumbed to his injuries.

An SM teenager from Pranjan died in July this year when he fell from a tractor in the forest of the village of Miokovci in Čačak. SM then, driving a tractor on slippery terrain, lost control of the agricultural machine.


I don’t know how I’m going to do without my grandchildren

According to Grandpa Vladan, it is not yet known when the funeral will take place.

“They told us we should take the body on Monday. If that happens, we will bury our Nikola on Tuesday. I don’t know how I’ll manage without him,” the inconsolable man yells. Jelena Rafailović Photo: Tamara Trajković

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
