“THE MOST IMPORTANT MEASURE HAS BEEN TAKEN TODAY!” Tiodorovic revealed his expectations


Tiodorović added that, in addition to respecting the measures, it is very important that the amendment to the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases is approved, because in this way the number of participants in the supervision of the implementation of the measures will increase.

He also stated that it is very important that citizens understand that they are not obliged to obey, but to be responsible.

– All measures must always be well explained to people, they must not be intimidated, scared, but must be held accountable – said Tiodorović.

He said that the medical part of the Crisis Staff requested some more measures, but also that those that were introduced represent a balance between preserving the health of the population and a sustainable economic situation.

– This is the first application of measures, but it will always be possible to add new ones, based on the evaluation of the general epidemiological situation – said Tiodorović, adding that the Crisis Staff is “in daily session”, and that they are agreed daily and they can quickly easily supplement measurements.

As he stated, today one of the most important measures was adopted, and it concerns the restriction of the work of catering services and other places of gathering of people.

– We will continue proposing and the government will expand the measures if the epidemiological situation requires it – said Tiodorović.

He hopes that, with the new measures, and with better control, the number of patients will be reduced.

– Measurements are not worth much if you do not have good control over them. With the amendments to the Law on Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases, now, in addition to sanitary inspectors, communal militias are included in the supervision, Tiodorović said.

When asked if there was a proposal to extend the fall break, he said there was a proposal that the schools not run next week, but stated that the situation in schools is currently stable, and that there is no need for that in this moment.

Regarding the winter holidays, he stated that they are planning to have the winter holidays in Vojvodina and the rest of Serbia at the same time.

– My proposal is that it be from December 19 to January 20, and that way both Catholic and Orthodox Christmas are included. We are only thinking about it, we have time for that – said Tiodorović.

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