“The most favorable situation in Serbia is not accidental, but it shouldn’t bother us.”


The most favorable epidemiological situation in Serbia relative to European countries is not accidental, but it is an indicator that we are responsible and conscientious, says Dr. Kisi Tepavevi.

Source: RTS



The deputy director of the “Trampolín” Institute and a member of the Crisis File said that we have two indicators to calm the situation.

“One is the mortality rate and expresses the risk of dying in the population, and the other is the lethality, the risk of dying from infected people, and it is an indicator of the severity of the disease and how much we know it to be. In our country, the mortality rate is around two percent. in the most developed countries. But it also depends on the number of tests, because somewhere the percentage of positivity goes up to 30 percent, which means that only those with severe forms of the disease are tested, ”Dr. Daria explained to RTS Kisi Tepavevi.

the greater the number of patients, the greater the number of those with more severe forms, although only 10-15 percent require hospitalization.

“Everything is a closed circle and depends on the intensity of the transmission, and if it is avoided then the parameters will be better. Although we are often overwhelmed by the same measures, wearing masks is the foundation for preventing the spread of viruses and keeping your distance. it would first be necessary to slow down and then stop the spread of the virus, “said Daria Kisi Tepavevi.

The situation in Serbia is much more favorable than in most European countries, but that should not deceive us, Kisieva said.

“Now only the Netherlands, Norway and Turkey have a lower risk, but the fact that we are much better than most in Europe should not weigh us down. Some countries that had a very favorable situation, such as the Czech Republic, now have a rapid increase in the number of victims, “he recalled. Darija Kisi Tepavevi who is a member of Crisis Tab.

The most favorable situation we have is not by chance: we have shown ourselves responsible and conscientious, and we must continue to do so to prevent the spread of the virus.

“The frequency of other infections, which are characteristic of this time of year, is twice lower precisely because the measures that are common to all respiratory infections are applied,” Daria Kisi Tepavevi told RTS.
