THE MOST EXPENSIVE CHEESE IN THE WORLD IS MADE IN SERBIA A delicacy of donkey’s milk costs 1,000 euros


Perhaps the most expensive wines are produced in France, caviar in Iran, olive oil in Greece, but the most expensive cheese is produced in our country, in Serbia. This cheese is made in the Zasavica Special Nature Reserve near Sremska Mitrovica, writes the Rina agency.

The price per kilogram is an incredible 1,000 euros, and a few years ago the information came that up to 3,000 dollars had been reserved for him in Las Vegas.

 Photo: G. Bobić / RAS Serbia

“We were the first in the Balkans to open a dairy farm, currently there are about 250 heads, but only a part of them can give enough milk, it is about 200 milliliters a day. One kilogram of cheese requires 25 liters of milk and is very difficult to produce. Many tried to find the formula, because it is very difficult because of the composition, but our team of experts managed to do it after several years of research. That is the reason for its price, ”Slobodan Simic, manager of the Special Reserve, told RINA. nature of Zasavica.

The most expensive cheese in the world is produced in 50 gram packages. It has a pleasant taste, and what makes it exceptional (in addition to the price) is undoubtedly its beneficial effect on health, because donkey milk has a low percentage of milk fat and has 60 times more vitamin C than cow’s milk common.

“In all parameters, the basic raw material is identical to breast milk. When a baby can drink it, it is known to be mainly strong, nutritious and healthy, it has 50 percent more protein than cow’s milk. On the contrary, it is excellent as a remedy for the skin, bronchitis and asthma in children, as well as for lung diseases and the recovery of the body after difficult operations. Almost everyone reads that in ancient times the famous Cleopatra used milk donkey to preserve youth and beauty, “says Simić.

Zasavica’s Serbian donkey cheese was also tasted by British Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, and following the information a few years ago, a personal biographer from the British royal family came to the reserve near Sremska Mitrovica, followed by the team from the BBC.

Slobodan says he manages to produce around 100 kilograms of this delicacy a year, and it is sold in small packages in every country in the world.
