The Montenegrin team deliberately provoked, so they wanted to kick Milan Knezevic out of the summer for Belgrade! (VIDEO)



06.11.2020. 15:57 – 06.11.2020. 16:41

On this morning’s Podgorica – Belgrade flight, there was a verbal conflict between one of the leaders of the Democratic Front, Milan Knezevic, and the Montenegrin handball players, according to the Podgorica CdM portal.


Montenegro, Photo: twitter / CdM

The portal published three videos from the plane, featuring Knezevic and Andrija Mandic, in which handball players sing the Montenegrin anthem and songs dedicated to Krsto Zrnov Popovic.

Knežević reacted at one point and the handball players replied:

“What’s wrong, Knezevic, the anthem of your country bothers you, if you care, come here!”

When Knezevic claimed that it was easy for them when, according to him, they were “in a herd”, they repeated that, if it bothered him, he could get off the plane.

By the way, Krsto Zrnov Popović is a general of the Montenegrin army, a participant in the Balkan wars and the Battle of Mojkovac, he was a fierce opponent of the decisions of the Podgorica Assembly and stands for the fight for a sovereign Montenegro.

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