The MMA has received 60,000 patients since March


The Military Medical Academy emergency center has received 60,000 patients since March, the Defense Ministry announced.

The MMA Emergency Center has received 60,000 patients since March, when it became an on-call medical institution for the treatment of all inconsistent patients whose health condition requires emergency medical attention.

The director of the Military Medical Academy, Colonel Miroslav Vukosavljević, stressed that between 200 and 250 patients are examined daily, although the expected capacity for emergency admissions is about 120 patients.

“If you compare with the figures for the same period from March 1 to November 1 last year, then there are 50 percent more patients in the Emergency Center,” said Vukosavljevic.

He added that the Military Medical Academy has received 18,000 patients for hospital treatment since the beginning of the epidemic. Vukosavljevic noted that the Academy of Military Medicine provides 99 percent of the staff of the “Karaburma” military hospital and that so far that hospital has treated 1,000 patients.

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