As they add, they believe that he is alive, although there is no trace or voice of him for almost 30 days … Kecman, otherwise owner of a gym in Belgrade and professional trainer, disappeared on September 24, and his family and girlfriend denounced the police a week later. he did not return home and did not know where he was. The police have been looking for him since that day, they are talking to his contacts, but there is still no progress. The girl of the missing person says she just hopes he’s alive.
– We still don’t know anything, nobody tells us anything. I think they would already know that he is not alive … At some point I think he is alive, at some point he may not be, but I try not to think in that direction – says his girlfriend.

As he says, “there is no reason why Job wants to leave.” He adds that they had plans for the future and that he would surely return now, if he could.
– He is very attached to his father, they listened to each other every day and saw each other often, I don’t think he can leave without calling him. If Jovo wanted to get away from it all, he would at least send someone to tell his father that his son is fine, claims the missing coach girl.
As far as the family knows, Jovo had no enemies, he owed no one money, and he was never interested in jobs on the other side of the law.

– In the last months of our relationship, we have been together all the time, although we have not officially lived together. He is a phenomenal person who wants to help everyone, he is extremely good and cultured and has never had any incidents. But in the last two weeks, before his disappearance, he said he had a problem that he had to solve: his girlfriend said a little earlier for “Blic.”
– At one point he told me “be careful with Mileta”, but we were always joking. I sincerely hope they find him or that he shows up – says Ana.
Job’s father, Mile Kecman, said briefly that he still didn’t know where his son was and that he had a hard time talking.
– Every hour I cry, I’m not crying at all because I don’t know where he is … – his father said briefly.
“Mystery, mystery, mystery,” repeated Job’s girlfriend.
– Your friends, like me, have no idea what could happen to them. He loved life, this had never happened before, it is very strange that it suddenly disappeared like this – he pointed out before.
By the way, as his girlfriend previously said, on September 24, Jovo reportedly went to meet a friend in Mali Mokro Lug, did not take the phone with him and has not returned home since. Mile, his father, said before that Jovo had 16,000 euros in his pocket and that it was possible that someone had kidnapped him for that.
If you have any information on Jova Kecman, contact the police. Kecman disappeared in Mali Mokri Lug in Glavna ulica. He was wearing a black T-shirt and grayish brown pants at the time of his disappearance.
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