The Ministry of Culture condemned the violence, but also the “disgusting contents” of the exhibition in Zemun



The Ministry of Culture and Information announced that it condemns any type of violence against artistic freedoms and that endangers the physical integrity of the author, but also assessed that showing “disgusting and immoral content wrapped in a cloak of supposed creative creativity legitimately provokes negative reactions “.

“Scenes with babies killed with severed limbs or with axes to the head of premature babies represent pathology and deviation of consciousness, and not art in any of its forms,” ​​the Ministry said in a statement.

As added, as much as someone would like to refute it, “this society still knows how to distinguish between good and evil in its basic contents and will exist as long as it can.”

The statement states that the attack was not allowed to occur, but that the exhibition “should not have opened with such horrible individual works.”

“It belongs to the ‘underground’ of the human spirit as part of its supposed clandestine content, just as the attackers belong to the underground hooligan,” the Ministry assessed.

The ministry condemned both models of behavior and called on society to respect generally accepted legal norms and moral principles, in order to avoid all potential situations of a similar nature.

“We hope that the competent authorities will find and bring to justice the people who endangered public order and peace by breaking into the exhibition and other illegal actions,” the statement read.
