The ministry has just announced the immunization plan and the president would like to help the region.


Gerontological centers should soon begin mass immunization of the population. Officials assure that all the details will be known soon and that everything is ready for the arrival of new quantities of vaccines. While waiting for new contingents, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić is ready to come to the aid of the neighborhood.

First the most threatened and then the turn of the others. Immunization that began yesterday should soon take on much larger proportions and the goal is to vaccinate as many people as possible, says the president of the National Immunization Coordination, Mirsad Djerlek.

Vaccination will be voluntary, what if there isn’t a great response?

“I will personally go to the field and explain to the people that the vaccine is the only salvation for their lives and that it would be a shame if they lost their lives so cheaply from the crown, when we have already managed to deliver the vaccine thanks to the state leadership and to the Ministry of Health, “he said. Mirsad Đerlek.

According to Đerlek, after the New Year, the kovid system will be turned on and an operational plan and vaccination guide will be published in the coming days.

The plan was drawn up by experts who know what they are doing, says epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorović.

“There is no fear, this was expected, this was being prepared and now it is just a matter of implementing it well on the field. I may be too optimistic, but I think we will realize it relatively quickly, especially in those categories that are a priority, that is , the elderly, homes, then health workers in covid centers … All these details have been worked out and very soon they will become familiar with them, ”says epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorović.

The organization “United Against Kovid” believes that the publication of accurate data and a clear plan is important for citizens to gain trust.

“It is something that I think is basic and that other countries have done. I see that in Great Britain it is indicated with precision and clarity at each site and that there are no dilemmas,” said pulmonologist Dragana Jovanovic (UPK).

There is no dilemma that in difficult times we need to help others, that is why the President of Serbia, during the receipt of a multi-million dollar donation from the EmirateHe decided to be an altruist himself.

“Are we the only ones in the region who received these vaccines?” Said Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić.

“We are the only ones, the others will get it only in June …”, says Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar.

Vucic: Okay, we’ll help you, so let’s give him something.

Potter: We continue to receive on January 4.

Vucic: “Pfizer” Coming Again Jan 4?

Potter: Yes Yes…

Vucic: So January 11, “Pfizer” again?

Potter: That’s right, we will get over 50,000 every week.

Except for January, the authorities promise new tranches of the vaccine: 98,000 doses will arrive in February and 114,000 in March.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
