THE MINISTRY CONFIRMED: Parents do not need any certificate for their children to go to kindergarten


This was announced by the Ministry regarding the information that appeared in the media about the supposed new measure regarding the confirmation of the compulsory work of parents whose children attend kindergarten,

The two most important indicators, the current number of positive children (0.017 percent) and employees (0.838 percent), as well as the average attendance of children, which was 68.01 percent in October, indicate that at this time there is no need to reduce the number of children in kindergartens and ease capacity, the statement said.

The Ministry recalls that all preschool institutions, when planning the organization of work with children, are obliged to respect the legally prescribed norms on the number of children in the educational group and to make decisions on how to increase or decrease the number of children in the kindergarten of infants or educational group in close cooperation with the founder or local crisis staff. .

– We point out that the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development monitors the epidemiological situation daily, considers the challenges and possible solutions in the operation of preschool institutions in these circumstances. It takes into account the experience of preschool institutions in the previous period, the different conditions and capacities of preschool institutions at the level of the Republic of Serbia, as well as all the proposals received, opinions of the union and the Crisis Staff, added the Ministry.

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