The ministers with the most scandals remained in government – Politics


Exactly one year ago, during the celebration of the 11th anniversary of the founding of the Serbian Progressive Party in SPENS of Novi Sad, Aleksandar Vučić, the leader of that party and president of Serbia, announced a great purge in the SNS and the expulsion of all those who fought only for personal reasons. interest.

The ministers with the most scandals remain in government 1Photo: BETAPHOTO / MILOS MISKOV

He also announced the purge in July this year, with those progressives who got into a mouse hole during the crown crisis. However, some big sweeping cuts in the Serbian Progressive Party did not happen, and this is how Danas interlocutors saw it:

Boban Stojanović, a political scientist, believes that with the election of ministers who will be part of the new Serbian government, Vučić certainly did not clean up the ranks of progressives, because he left ministers with the most scandals in ministerial positions.

“I think that those who were left without ministerial seats, like Zoran Djordjevic, will get a good position, only outside the government. Even the worst MPs are now MPs again, and I believe that others will follow the path of Zoran Babić of a few years ago, when he replaced the parliamentary bench with a director’s chair in a public company. The mechanism is similar with local leaders, who often go to a public company after one or two terms, and then the next mayors, mayors, join them and occupy those companies. The former leaders of the Zemun municipality – Prostran, Kovacevic, Matic – had that path, because they all ended up in Jugoimport SDPR. So you can’t talk about cleaning up the party. The loyalists stay in the party despite the scandals, because they give money to run the party and will not go anywhere. They can only change position and go somewhere else, and that’s it, ”concludes Stojanović.

Former NSPM MP and editor Djordje Vukadinovic points out that Vucic has announced two things many times so far: his resignation as SNS leader and the purge of personal evil abroad. According to his assessment, so far he has not kept any of the promises. The only thing he managed, but that was a long time ago, he managed to clean up all the supposed unfair cadres of Tomislav Nikolić and nothing more.

“Certain purges, that is, the replacement of ministers, mayors and even deputies, which are taking place in the SNS, do not represent radical cuts, but rather a continuous process of verification and determination of loyalty to the character and work of Aleksandar Vučić.” This is all a haze of propaganda and mere rhetoric that sounds good in public and pleases some progressive cadres because it gives them hope. And the fact that the SNS leader has the need to constantly threaten his staff with some ventilation is aimed at keeping them on hold, “says Vukadinović.

Political scientist Vuk Velebit, however, estimates that Vučić made some cuts in the SNS and that this can be seen in the newly appointed ministers, but also in the presidents of local self-governments, where he was unable to control corruption and crime.

Velebit notes that he is sure that public opinion polls show Vučić the discontent of citizens at the local level who are aware of all the scandals that are happening there.

“However, with the constant changes of ministers, Vučić shows that he has a big problem with the non-professional staff within the party who are unable to run ministries. Despite the hundreds of thousands of members, the ministers are becoming people. that they are not members of the SNS, and that is a message to the leadership of the party that they will have to do everything possible to obtain a state function. On the other hand, the changes in the Government also show a change in the course of politics abroad, where there is no place for the Russian people at the head of the Ministry of Energy, Foreign Affairs and Defense. Nebojsa Stefanovic did not accidentally get the post of Defense Minister. I think it is part of the agreement with the Americans who have close ties to Stefanović. In the National Assembly, Vučić decided to rejuvenate his ranks because he is aware that the party must develop and build a new squad, but in the first days he p You can see that these new young people are the most common supporters of the party without any focus or clue, ”Velebit believes.

However, Vučić’s political opponents regard his announcement of sweeping cuts and party cadre cuts as another shot from an empty rifle.

– Vučić didn’t clean anything, he just moved it. In addition, he humiliated his huge party by re-involving former DS members and non-partisan “soft progressives”. At the end of the day, no cleaning is possible, except for cosmetics, since it is a personal regimen, where it is completely irrelevant who is in what position, because they are all exclusively their dictators and on duty in the fire, believes Borko Stefanović, vice president of the SAA.

The vice president of the Popular Party, Sanda Raskovic Ivic, estimates that the leader of the progressives did not manage to clean up the SNS, as Andrej Plenković did with the hawks within the HDZ.

“Vučić eliminated only a few people in the bar who are a real moral and criminal disgrace, and that’s it. He strengthened the inner circle of loyalty and even more put all the departments under his control. The criterion for the election was loyalty. to him personally and nothing else ”, concludes the vice president of the Popular Party.


The electoral assembly of the SNS has been postponed again. It was announced for the fall of last year, on the eve of the general elections, which were moved from spring to summer due to the crown. Now, Vučić announced that it will be held in March 2021. The previous one was in May 2016, after the spring general elections.

Cupic: they come to power only reviewed

According to Cedomir Cupic, a retired political scientist and professor at FPN, Vucic’s threats have always been related to his current thoughts and conditions. Being a man of absolute arbitrariness, his basic criteria, which he proposed himself and which guide him in the election of people for important functions, are obedience, servitude and loyalty.

“I also assume that you have already verified past and future ministers in hundreds of ways so that it doesn’t happen that you bring in someone who does something beyond your control. You re-examined their condition and checked their patience and humiliation and how long they could hold out until They realized their personal motive, to enter the government. He chose those who met all his requirements and played with his ambitions. Well, imagine when a future minister says that he will enter the Government so that tomorrow his children say that he approached a historical figure like Vučić. Unheard of, “Cupic said.

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