The Minister of Police appeared in a different issue! (PHOTO)



16.09.2020. 19:58

The Minister of the Interior and member of the Presidency of the SNS, Nebojsa Stefanovic, was invited tonight to the “National Daily” of the television “Rosa”, in which he referred to all the lies that Marinika Tepic, Dragan Djilas and other people have been telling about the Serbian police lately.

Nebojsa Stefanovic

Nebojsa Stefanovic, Photo: Screen Printed

“Dragan Djilas and Marinika Tepic want their justice to rule in the state of Serbia, because the people who are arrested by our police are drug traffickers, their associates and colleagues with whom they try to rob the state again and silence disobedient journalists.” Every month new lies are served to us, only to attack President Aleksandar Vučić and thus the state. These are direct threats to people representing the judiciary and the police, “Minister Stefanović said.

He also recalled many cases of criminal confrontations that occurred during the government of the Democratic Party and that have not been resolved.

“In Serbia, at the time when Djilas, Jeremic and Tadic were in power, 225 mafia liquidations were carried out, and even then those kinds of statistics were kept differently than today, so some of the liquidations they happened like aggravated murders, which means that they were much more ”.

Nebojsa Stefanovic

Nebojsa Stefanovic, Photo: Printscreen

“In 2008, Dragisa Cvejic, President of the Knjazevac Municipal Court, was killed by a bomb, and a year earlier, a family of four with up to 60 bullets was killed, and that case was not resolved while they were in power. No I blame the police for that because they had no political support at the time, ”Stefanović concluded.

Let us remind you today that a close associate of Dragan Đilas, Marinika Tepić, again beat up the Serbian police and told lies, all related to the case of violence in Novi Sad involving Ivan Kontić.

In response, a video appeared on social media, which went viral in an instant.

Document and refute all the lies about the Serbian police told by Djilas and his comrades in arms. It is interesting that in this video you can also see photos of Dragan Đilas and Marinika Tepić with people who were arrested for drug trafficking and who have been known to the police before.
