The Minister of Police and the union representatives discussed the appearance of the official identification card


Yesterday, Police Minister Aleksandar Vulin spoke with representatives of the Serbian Police Union, and at the meeting they also touched on the current issue of police badges.

Let us remember that in the previous days the issue of false credentials was raised, which were confiscated from criminals, and 30 were confiscated in just one month. The Ministry of the Interior has already announced a solution to this problem.

– The meeting also discussed specific issues related to changes in certain regulations, including changes in the decree on the appearance, form and content of the official insignia and identification.

It was concluded that such changes are necessary, because false credentials, in addition to misleading citizens and being the subject of a crime, also endanger the safety of police officers, the Interior Ministry announced.

The Minister also discussed improving the working conditions of police officers and it was agreed to continue cooperation on the issue of the socio-economic situation of employees. JI / Photo MUP

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