The minimum amount of the fine for non-compliance with the protection measures is increased to 50,000 dinars.


The Minister of Health, Zlatibor Lončar, stated, explaining the amendments to the Law on Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases, that the minimum amount of the fine for violating the regulations that determine the measures to protect the population against these diseases was increased. from 30,000 to 50,000 dinars.

He said in the Serbian Assembly that the proposed law prescribes sanctions for minor offenses for non-compliance by legal and natural persons with the regulations, decisions or orders issued by the competent authorities, whose objective is to protect the population.

“It is prescribed that this law enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Gazette, and not on the eighth day after its publication, taking into account the irreparable damage that could occur to all citizens of Serbia, that is, to the health and lives of large numbers of people. ” consequently for the economy, “said Lončar.

Lončar stated that this law prescribes that health institutions, private practice, legal entities, employers, health workers and citizens are obliged to implement the prescribed measures and procedures in accordance with the decision of the health inspector to protect to the infectious disease population within the terms, conditions and manner. determined by that solution.

He said that many measures that were valid during the state of emergency were mitigated, but noted that they must still be strictly adhered to to avoid a new wave of spread of the coronavirus, but also other infectious diseases.

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