
The coronavirus control measures, which limit the operation of restaurants, shopping centers, stores, beauty salons and gyms at 8 pm, and which were supposed to be valid until January 10, will probably remain in effect until the 14th of the year. New Serbian. In January, when the epidemiological situation will be reassessed, Kurir finds out unofficially.

According to our source close to the crisis headquarters, it will be monitored whether there was a drop or a jump in the number of infected people during the seven days after Christmas.

– For now, the crisis headquarters are scheduled to ambush on Monday, but the session may be postponed. The tightening or flexibility of the measures will depend exclusively on the number of patients. It is not known day by day whether the Christmas celebrations, which some epidemiologists warned about, and the arrival of guest workers in Serbia made the situation worse, but it should take some time to obtain real data. For the same reason, it appears that the existing measures will remain in effect until the Serbian New Year, and phone inquiries may only take place on Monday, after which the Serbian government will extend the measures even after the holidays. The next cross-section of the situation will probably be made on Thursday, in order to bring new measures on Friday, January 15, which will also be affected by the departure of children to school on January 18 – says our interlocutor.

photo: print screen

According to him, the most contrary positions in the crisis headquarters session are expected to be on the conditions to enter the country. No one can say for sure now whether free entry to Serbia will be possible from Monday, January 11, or whether it will remain true that foreigners must have a negative PCR test and that our citizens come to their homeland, if not So. , forced to remain in home isolation for 10 days. There is no official information yet on how the border will be handled from Sunday until midnight.

The day before yesterday, the Minister of Health, Zlatibor Lončar, affirmed that the extension of the measures at the borders will depend exclusively on the epidemiological situation: how many tests there are, how many are infected, hospital occupation, vaccination coverage …

– Only on that basis will we take action. It is not our goal to harass someone, to make travel difficult. For us, the protection of citizens and the health system comes first. If the situation is good, every effort will be made to facilitate the entry and exit of Serbia, Lončar said.

Let us remind you, in Serbia, mandatory indoor mask-wearing measures are currently in force, as well as the ban on gathering more than five people.


Guest workers created chaos at the borders

This weekend, there is a total collapse at the border crossings because, not only ours, the guest workers left for Western European countries after the holidays.

The longest delay is at the entry into Serbia from North Macedonia, where the crowd is created mainly by passengers from Turkey and Greece, who will create additional chaos on the exit from our country to Croatia and Hungary, when they get there. The stringent checks by Hungarian officials create an additional burden, so they have to wait hours to go to Budapest.


We will request additional concessions

Goran Vesić
photo: Nemanja Nikolić

Belgrade Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić said yesterday that he expects the crisis headquarters to confirm that the working hours of the commercial and catering facilities will be until 8 pm after January 11, but announced that together with the Chamber Serbian Trade Council will seek to mitigate that measure.

– This city must work and we need tourists. That is Belgrade’s greatest interest, it will happen faster than we expect. Since the celebration of the New Year, there has not been a significant increase in the number of infected people, which is a consequence of the discipline shown both by the public and by the catering companies. As soon as the immunization begins, we will ask for a new relaxation of measures so that companies working in the service sector can work longer – Vesić told Kurir, adding that he receives a salary to fight for jobs in the capital.


Serbia will have three vaccines

The Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, Mirsad Đerlek, confirmed that Serbia will soon have three vaccines available.

– The credibility of our country’s foreign policy is at a higher level today than before, and that is why Serbia managed to get vaccinated and start immunization even before the EU – Djerlek recalled on the morning show on TV Prva.

He also said that the stories about health workers who allegedly refuse to get vaccinated are not true.

– There is no massive rejection of vaccination – said Djerlek and recalled that he was vaccinated with the Russian vaccine “Sputnik V”.

He reiterated that “Pfizer-Bayontekova”, a Russian and Chinese vaccine, expected in Serbia soon, is completely safe.

Numbers encourage

Less than 2000 new infected

l In Serbia, 11,123 people were tested for coronavirus in the last 24 hours, of which 1,769 were positive. Unfortunately, 35 patients died. There are 207 ventilator patients in hospitals across Serbia.


Oncology employees are the first to receive “Sputnik V”

l The Institute of Oncology and Radiology is the first health institution in Serbia whose employees received the “Sputnik V” vaccine. Director of the institute prof. Dr. Danica Grujicic noted that all Institute health workers are interested in receiving the vaccine because “they know what kovid means” and announced that the “Pfizer” vaccine will arrive on Tuesday.

( Pronic / Photo: Shutterstock)

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