The mayor of Novi Pazar defended the detained officials


The mayor of Novi Pazar, Nihat Biševac, said that he was convinced that the detained workers and municipal administration officials did not abuse their position for personal and material gain, and that he wanted to defend them, “without doubting their honesty” .

In a written statement presented to the media, Biševac assessed that these were individuals and families of high moral standards and human qualities, and described the manner of their apprehension as “absolutely unacceptable”.

“I support the fight against corruption and crime, and anyone who, in some way, abused their position must be held accountable, but bringing honest and fair people, who have done their work honestly in the interest of the common good, is not the way to do so. “Biševac stated.

He added that the local self-government delivered the requested documentation to the investigating bodies and that it considered that they “would do the work exclusively in accordance with the letter of the law,” as well as that the innocence of its associates would be proven.

“I am convinced that any shadow of doubt that they did their job fairly, in accordance with the law and in the interest of the citizens of Novi Pazar, will be removed,” Biševac said.

OR Actions of the Police and the Special Department for the Suppression of Corruption of the Superior Prosecutor’s Office in Kraljevo, 18 people were arrested in Novi Pazar, high-ranking officials and workers from the local self-government and public companies.

They are accused of abuse in conducting public procurement procedures.
