The mayor of Nis does not speak to those who are below the threshold – the Society


Despite public opposition, cedars were cut at the entrance to the future planet Delta

These days, the citizens of Nis are lighting candles next to 13 Atlas cedars and five plane trees from Nemanjić Boulevard, which were cut down for the access road to the future Delta Planet shopping center, to which they were invited by the local organization Urban Guerrilla.

The mayor of Nis does not speak to those who are below the census 1Photo: FoNet / Kostadin Kamenov

Some of them also wrote the dates of their “birth and death” (“2005-2020”) on the stumps they left behind the trees. The municipal company Mediana cut the tree line this week, following the stormy reaction of citizens on social media and opposition from the opposition.

City officials didn’t even address such criticism from the public. The competent councilors, Nenad Stanković and Miroslav Đokić, have laconically said these days that the tree-lined avenue was cut according to the urban plan, which provides for the entrance to the future shopping center at that location. They added that Miroslav Mišković’s Delta company, as an investor, assumed the obligation to plant 140 trees around the shopping center, that is, “for every tree felled, and in addition to cedars and bananas, poplars and some other trees were planted – planting five new”.

Mayor Dragana Sotirovski did not forget to point out that the construction of Delta Planet, the provision of the nearby Nisava Pier, which is the obligation of investors, as well as the works on the surrounding access roads. Currently they represent one of the largest investments in the city, valued at around 80 million euros. During the laying of the first stone of the planet Delta shopin mol, in February this year, it was announced that it was an investment of 70 million euros.

Sotirovski turned down the public invitation from Tamara Milenković-Kerković, vice president of the Serbian Dveri movement and president of its Municipal Board, to participate in a television duel, which would discuss the felling of cedars and other trees on Nemanjić Boulevard, as well as other environmental issues and of health. like huge air pollution and public health. Citizens have the right to hear the truth on these issues of great public importance, said the Dveri official.

– Why would you accept a conversation with someone who represents a party that did not even pass the census in the previous elections? If the citizens did not honor them, why would I? Thus, as the legitimate representative of the SNS, which now received 16,000 more votes in Nis than in the previous elections, he would disappoint the citizens. And when and with what document did the citizens elect them as their representatives, how does the lady present herself? He deceives the people of Nis, takes up politics and wants to make a name for himself in politics on someone else’s behalf and with quasi-ideas. I do not go out to duel with the manipulators – Sotirovski said for Danas, on the occasion of such an invitation.

The mayor and city officials previously did not react to Dveri’s request for the urgent adoption of the city’s cadastre of public green areas in regular maintenance and vegetation between blocks, for which the deadline was 2017, and the introduction of the institution of the green administrator. Both print and online petitions, initiated by Dveri, remained unanswered, in which citizens demand the urgent annulment of the decision to cut down cedars and bananas on Nemanjić boulevard, which was taken by the Ministry of Planning and Construction to the middle of last month.

These documents assess that the local government does not respect its own regulations, which clearly establish that “green areas, trees and tree lines are of good general interest, that they have special protection due to their importance for the lives of the citizens “. Each cedar annually absorbs 250 kilograms of carbon dioxide, as well as other harmful substances from the air, so after cutting only 13 trees in the air in Nis, there will be three and a half tons more of smog, carbon dioxide and dust. a reminder that “air pollution in Nis today is unprecedented.”

Trees and viruses

The opposition group of councilors “Nis, my city” in the city assembly demanded yesterday that “the felling of any tree in Nis is urgently stopped.”

– While the kovid 19 virus is destroying the lungs and lives of our fellow citizens, the city government is destroying the lungs of our city. We must urgently stop the “epidemic” of logging for the sake of better visibility of private shopping centers – they stated in this group of councilors, adding that “the local government works for the benefit of investors and not the citizens of Nis “.

“Nis in the water” will be built next to the Delta?

In addition to the future Delta Planet, a roundabout is being built, not at the crossroads, but only at the turn of a street. This unusual traffic adventure, as well as Mayor Sotirovski’s statement that “part of the agreement with investors that the city will slowly descend towards the river with the construction of this large shopping center,” raised questions from the public as to whether “Nis on Water “will be built on the nearby Nisava pier. “.

Some experts recalled that the construction of a roundabout in the usual turn of the same street is an illogical construction, urban planning and traffic. The opposition committee group “Nis, my city” added that in this way, “Delta’s investment is reduced”, since Delta does not finance it, and will use it as a priority.

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