BELGRADE – The citizens of Serbia who were in Montenegro took seriously the invitation of the Crisis General Staff and the Serbian Government to return to the country, which is confirmed by the complete train of the Bar-Belgrade line, which arrived at Topcider this morning.
For Montenegrin train drivers and attendants, the season, as they say, lasted only one day, today.
Since September 3, when the line was renewed, only this train was full, as it used to be, before the new measures took effect.

According to Dragana Stanković from Serbia, the new measure of the Crisis Personnel and the Government of Serbia has increased the interest of passengers in the train, so the composition has been expanded, and only compared to yesterday, 170 more passengers were transported .
“The train that left at 19 from Bar was full, carrying 250 passengers and 17 cars,” Stanković said, recalling that the composition has a sitting car, a berth and a sleeping car, and one to transport cars.
The first train on the Topcider-Bar-Topcider route started on September 3, after a break of several months to Montenegro, and at that time there were about 20 passengers on the train. Three days later, there were already 105 of them, he said.
The Serbian train has taken all additional measures to prevent the spread of the virus, cleaning and washing have been further intensified, and a seating schedule has been defined in the cabins.
As she added, she is sitting exclusively by the window, the number of people in cabins with beds has been reduced, which does not only apply to families.

The passengers, as they say, are disappointed that before the scheduled day of return they had to return from Montenegro, where they were for various reasons, at sea, at home, with children, relatives …

One of them says that he was in Bar for five days. “I return for the measures ordered by our state, to respect them. In Bar, three people are infected, there are no contacts, no one wears a mask, they all live well, “said one of the passengers.
Detailed instructions for everyone entering Serbia today after 6pm
Citizens of Serbia entering the country after 6pm today will be under special health supervision, which means they will register at e-zdravlje.gov.rs within the next 24 hours and take a self-assessment test on Kovid 19 , says the deputy director of the Institute of Public Health “Springboard”, epidemiologist Darija Kisić Tepavčević. She points out that returnees from abroad will receive written instructions at the border crossing on the supervision procedure, adding that completing the questionnaire is simple and that The application can be printed or saved as confirmation that the citizen has registered when entering the country.
Also, returnees from abroad must do so on the 10th day after returning to Serbia. If the self-assessment test shows symptoms that indicate coronavirus, there is a possibility to schedule an examination immediately at the Kovid clinic. Kisic Tepavcevic emphasized that the only objective of the surveillance that is being introduced on citizens is to reduce the probability of transmitting the virus if someone is infected outside of Serbia, and not to punish anyone or to record that they went abroad.
The second, however, is the most surprising that at midnight, 18 hours before the enforcement of the surveillance measure, they received a paper from the Ministry of Health informing them that, “coming from a country with an epidemiological situation unfavorable, are required to apply within 24 hours for kovid infectious disease surveillance at www.e-zdravlje.gov.rs.
“We even exchanged tickets to get there and they waited for us with the paper again,” said the woman who returned to Belgrade after six days.

The old woman returned before the deadline, but she hopes to be alive and to be able to return to Montenegro next year.
The girl, who returned from Montenegro, is also unhappy about the “ruined vacation” and claims that no one is infected at sea, that there is no crowd and that the crown can be a problem only in Podgorica, Berane. The older man saw a doctor again, after an operation in Podgorica, where he was with his daughter.

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Author: delivery courier