“THE MASS VACCINATION BEGINS FROM TOMORROW” First in line are these 4 CATEGORIES of the population, the vaccine will be received by Minister Ružić


Vaccination for the next priority group, which includes educators, members of the Interior Ministry, the Serbian army and representatives of the media, will begin tomorrow, Prime Minister Ana Brnabić announced.

Brnabic said that media representatives, especially media workers who are constantly on the ground, were included in the priority group, at the request of media associations, but also at the request of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

“Starting tomorrow, the mass vaccination of the population will begin,” Brnabić said, calling on everyone to report as much as possible.

As he said, the faster and more efficiently the vaccination is carried out, the faster we will return to a normal life.

He expressed the expectation that during 2021, in terms of health, we can return to what we lived before the coronary virus pandemic.

He sent a special request to educators to request vaccination in as many as possible, and stated that this is the only way to allow them to do their best job, while protecting their own health and that of their families.

As we found out, the vaccine will be received by the Minister of Education Branko Ružić on Wednesday, and will be received at the checkpoint of the Belgrade Fair.
