The man insulted the families of the slain guards, lawyers and journalists.



Lawyer Predrag Savić said that at the beginning of the commemoration of the assassinated guards in Topčider in front of the entrance of the Karaš facility, there was an incident in which a middle-aged man, from a black punt with Belgrade records, insulted to the families of the assassinated guards, lawyers and journalists.

“He addressed the present members of the families of the assassinated guards, lawyers and journalists through an open window with a series of brutal oaths, slander, insults and threats. He mentioned that he participated in two wars and that Serbian traitors were present.” Savic, who is the attorney for the families of the slain guards, said in the ad.

According to him, shortly afterwards, curses and insults were heard again from a Skoda vehicle.

“We call on the competent state authorities to prevent such events and, when they can no longer discover the murderers of the guards even after 16 years, to discover the perpetrators of today’s unfortunate events, because everyone knows that there were several violent deaths and more witnesses in the Topcider case. ” these threats should not be taken as harmless either, “Savic said.

He noted that the question remains whether the whole event was organized in advance and whether the aforementioned perpetrators were in cahoots and whether someone sent them to do all of that.

It has been exactly 16 years since the deaths of two guards, Dragan Jakovljević and Dražen Milovanović, at the Karaš military installation in Topčider, where they were on duty. Even after 16 years, it is unknown how the guards died, and an effective investigation was lacking, although it was ordered by the Constitutional Court in 2013.

From the beginning, there was a conflict between the military and the state commission over the circumstances in which the death of the two young men occurred.

It should be remembered that after the shooting in the barracks on October 5, 2004, the Army denounced that a murder and suicide had occurred, and that later an independent state commission determined that the soldiers were killed by a third party, which was later confirmed by the FBI.
