The locals wrote a letter to the President of the United States, waiting and preparing brandy for the reception.


Gornji Milanovac – These Serbs invite Donald Trump as guests: Gornji Milanovac – The residents of the Suvobor villages sent a friendly letter to the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, with an invitation to visit them at the first appropriate opportunity. The reason is an exceptional historical event, the operation to rescue American politicians from the makeshift airport on Galovića Hill in Pranjani in 1944, where the airport was renovated and an exceptional memorial complex built.

photo: RINA

The Serbian and American people cannot and will not be enemies, and the renovated airport, where 500 airmen were rescued, is a place where we must extend a helping hand, wrote, among other things, the residents of Pranjan and the surrounding villages.

“We Serbian peasants, educated to respect others and care for our own and always ready to give our lives for the homeland and golden freedom, people of words and people who respect every well-intentioned person, invite you to visit the place where 500 of their air force officers were saved. ” whose fate would have been sealed by fascist persecution had it not been for our fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and some of us living witnesses. “In a great war and historical disgrace, we offered them a helping hand, shared a piece of bread, made the bed and looked after our loved ones, putting our own heads in a bag,” Serbian villagers wrote in a letter to the president. U.S.

photo: RINA

The locals say they will welcome America’s first man, as Serbian customs and traditions dictate, with home-cooked food and brandy, and will serve as their compatriots in 1944, who died for the freedom of the world.

“It is a testimony of our grandparents, of our ancestors and of their task to help us in that. The locals of these towns say they believe that Trump is a well-intentioned man, they believe in the hand of friendship that he gave to the president of our state of Serbia. You come from where your heroes went to freedom. With much respect and a trembling hand, you will understand us enough, we invite you to step on the mountain airport, which is ours and your pride for all time “, wrote Suvoborci .

photo: RINA

The letter was delivered today in Cacak to the US ambassador, who promised that he would do everything possible to ensure that this shipment reaches the hands of President Trump.

“It is a great honor for me to have the opportunity to meet these wonderful and honorable people. As soon as I have the opportunity, I will deliver a letter to President Trump,” said Ambassador Anthony Godfrey.


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Author: delivery courier
