The lifeguards WILL NOT SLEEP tonight (PHOTO / VIDEO)


Due to the sudden melting of snow in the mountains of Montenegro, the Lim river in Prijepolje has crossed the level of emergency flood defense and tends to rise slightly.

Currently, the stadium in Brodarevo, Jalija, part of the settlement of Ivanje and Kamenogorski, part of the settlement of Sharampovo and Zalug are flooded. Members of the fire and rescue units are on the ground, intervening where necessary and on constant alert.

– For now, there are no flooded homes, but agricultural plots and ancillary facilities are under water. A slight stagnation is expected during the day and we expect no more spills. The Potpeća dam in Priboj works with greater capacity, there is a fairly large inlet and flow of water, to protect Prijepolje from further flooding, and care is taken of Priboj, which could flood if more water is allowed than allowed, said the Head of Cabinet. for emergency situations in Prijepolje Goran Posrkača.

After the Slatinska river overflowed in Brodarevo and cut off the road leading to various villages, the problem was solved with the swift intervention of JKP “Lim”.

Then traffic was restored.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
