“THE LEADERS CANNOT CONTROL THEIR VANITY” Tadic suggested that the OPPOSITION be divided into THREE COLUMNS, this is what the analysts think about the idea


If the opposition accepts the proposal of the leader of the SDS, Boris Tadic, the most realistic thing is to appear in three columns: national, democratic and civil, but first it would have to answer many questions and restore the trust of citizens, analysts believe.

The opposition meeting at the SDS facilities gave rise to the idea that the fight against the government is taking place in several columns and that there should be no unprincipled coalitions. The talks were attended by representatives of the Serbian United Opposition (SSP, DS, NS …), DSS, Initiative “Let’s not drown Belgrade”, New Party, PSG, and the ex-MP Djordje Vukadinovic was enough. Thus, a total of six parties and one association, four of which attended the recent parliamentary elections. No one from Dveri attended the meeting, but neither did SRS, POKS, SPAS, and others.

To SRS, Dveri, POks …

Taking all this into account, the question arises as to whether the opposition can appear in ideologically more homogeneous columns and what result would it achieve? It has already been publicly mentioned that one opposition column should be led by the United Opposition of Serbia or the SAA of Dragan Djilas, the other by Boris Tadic and the third by the Door Movement.

The political scientist Cvijetin Milivojevic points out for “Blic” that before forming columns, the opposition would have to answer a question about the recent parliamentary elections.

– Neither the boycott of the opposition, nor the parties that went to the polls gave an answer to the question, what day after June 21? Neither the party that boycotted did so, nor the party that went to the polls and was ashamed, that is, they served the authorities as an alibi to show the European Union how democratic the elections were. Furthermore, no opposition party has decided on the consequences of the elections, that is, on the question of whether the new parliament or government will be legitimate and legal. That is the first condition and step they have to take – explains Milivojevic.

As he says, the opposition must also answer the question of who is the true and who is the false opposition and what are the criteria for that.

– In this meeting there were boycotters to the elections and those who went to the polls, but also those who are “half fish, half women” like the SDS of Tadic, which participated in local elections, but not in parliamentary elections. Why the SRS, Dveri, POKS were not present at the meeting … Why is Tadic the organizer of the opposition meeting if he has resistance even to his old DS party – emphasizes Milivojevic.

Vucic is not Milosevic

Our interlocutor believes that it would be logical for the opposition to appear in three columns if it reaches an agreement on the matter.

– One column would be national, led by, say, Dveri, the other would be closer to the democratic center led by the DS and its derivatives, and the third would be radically civic, made up of PSG, “Let’s not drown Belgrade” and others. They must reach an agreement that if they win a majority in the elections, they will form a transitional government that will organize new elections as soon as possible. This is not the discovery of any hole in the pot. The problem is that the opposition still thinks that we are in the year 2000, although there is not as uniform a negative attitude towards Aleksandar Vučić as towards Slobodan Milošević. Furthermore, it is not good for the opposition to send nihilistic messages when it promises to destroy everything this government has done. Not everything this government is doing is a priori negative – Milivojevic concludes.

Zoran Panovic Photo: Zoran Žestić / Tanjug

Zoran panovic

The director of the “Demostat” program, Zoran Panović, emphasized for “Blic” that in the opposition meeting in the SDS the prohibition to make two or three major matches was ignored.

– There are practically no ideological differences between those parties, but the leaders and representatives of those parties still cannot control their vanity. So on the political scene, we have an unbearable number of political actors who are impossible to remember everything. It would be logical to create two or three serious parties that would articulate the ideas of the existing parties. Those great parties would be at the head of three columns and would attract certain movements, initiatives, groups of citizens – thinks Panovic.

What not like

As he says, it is absurd that these three great parties practically come from a previous party.

– A party would be around Dragan Djilas, another around Boris Tadic and the third around the Popular Party and Vuk Jeremic. So that would be ideologically logical, and yet it is absurd that all three parties come from the Democratic Party. The DS split into so many factions that it reached an absurd position, Panovic explains.

The executive director of the agency “Factor Plus”, Predrag Lacmanović, underlines for “Blic” that the opposition so far only manages to attract the public’s attention, which is not enough for a serious result in the elections.

– It is necessary to show a certain quality, idea, essence, to gain the trust of the public. Until she does so, it will not matter if she will act in the fight against the government in one column or in several. The result will be the same. Because, according to research, they are parties in which the public has very little confidence. In principle, there are many opposition parties, and they are not unique or original, and at the same time, the leaders of those parties are quite worn out, Lacmanović emphasizes.

Lacmanović: No proposals, no ideas, only against Vučić

The opposition’s attitude towards the government is also problematic, believes the executive director of the agency “Factor Plus”, Predrag Lacmanović.

– The opposition literally criticizes everything that comes from the government and attributes everything to a single man. It’s like when a tennis player hits the ball against the wall and it always comes back to him. There are no concrete proposals or ideas. The entire opposition is, on the one hand, divided and, on the other, united in the criticism of everything that exists in a man. All this is a consequence of the fact that none of the leaders of the opposition parties will resign, and when we do the research, many who are not supporters of the government say that they do not have time to vote – points out Lacmanović.

They don’t need a new Kostunica

“Demostat” program director Zoran Panović notes that new faces in politics can be both a refreshment and a disappointment.

– The current opposition leaders are returning us to a real political life in which we should not expect a new Kostunica or Krivokapic (Zdravko, the holder of the second strongest list in Montenegro, editor’s note). We only remember that in 2012, Boris Tadić was defeated by none other than Tomislav Nikolić, who had been a big loser in the elections until then. The opposition needs good solutions and answers to problems – explains Panovic.
