The leader of the SAA in a fight with common sense, logic and hard numbers!


IMAGINARY OF DRAGAN ĐILAS: Leader of the SAA in a dispute with common sense, logic and concrete numbers!

I am the most beautiful, intelligent and desirable Dragan Djilas as if caught in his lies, Photo: Shutterstock

The leader of the Freedom and Justice Party, Dragan Djilas, has built an entire imaginary world around himself, in which he is trying to attract everyone around him. Djilas’ favorite game in public appearances, and especially towards his people, is fooling around with numbers and distorting the facts, whether he’s talking about the economy, curbing the coronavirus epidemic, the state’s fight against crime, or his political rating. .

Djilas actually behaves like a spoiled rich brat who imagines himself to be the most beautiful, the smartest, and the most desirable when he looks in the mirror. However, given that he has a demanding ambition to be taken seriously as a politician, we must remind Djilas that there is no political playing field in the world of adults and responsible people where he can convince everyone that Serbia is a black hole in Europa without it. Djilas must open his eyes and realize that there is something called unrelenting reality, something that is completely different from his wishes, twists, and fantasies.

photo: Sonja Spasić

Your rating hurts

Fewer and fewer people believe the SAA leader’s colorful lies, especially in his immediate environment. This is confirmed by the latest public opinion polls from eminent agencies. It is understandable that this causes discomfort to Djilas and the need for new justifications for the public and his people, but it is incomprehensible that he vent his anger on the researchers, without blaming himself for anything. It is even less acceptable for him to substantiate his version of reality, according to which Aleksandar Vučić and his Serbian Progressive Party can supposedly have 38.6 percent of the vote. It seems that Djilas really got sick when Marko Uljarevic of “Ipsos” presented the latest ratings on the RTS show “Questionnaire” on Tuesday: Vucic and the SNS, with no coalition partners, are at an all-time high of 63% in support of voters, and the SAA is currently measured on a scale of one to three percent. What is not clear to Mr. Djilas here?

Ninth and fourteenth in Europe

This opposition leader also used the crisis caused by the Kovid 19 pandemic as his favorite playing field: manipulating data and stumbling on the state while fighting for the lives of every citizen of Serbia. Djilas declares himself an inviolable medical expert, destroys the authority of those who have been on the front lines for months, and ultimately declares Serbia the worst country in the fight against the pandemic. In fact, it says that Serbia is second to last in the world and that only Colombia is below. What is not clear to Mr. Djilas again? Data from the Worldometers registry, which tracks all countries in the world, shows that our country is in ninth place in Europe in terms of the number of infected per million inhabitants, and in fourteenth in terms of number of deaths per million of population. By both criteria, Serbia is convincingly the best in the region and one of the most successful in Europe.

Until a few days ago, Serbia was even a “desert island” in the middle of Europe. While Djilas criticized our crisis headquarters, data from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the most authoritative institution of this type in the Old Continent, showed that Serbia has 20 infected people for every 100,000 inhabitants in the last two weeks. It seems that these deceptions and manipulations of Djilas serve mainly to cast spells on his people, in which he is less and less successful.

He is also bothered by a strong economy

Despite the compelling feats of the Serbian economy being one of the strongest in Europe amid the pandemic and economic crisis and the fact that it receives congratulations from all relevant directions, Dragan Djilas continues to mislead the public, the majority of the time through the media owned by Dragan Solak. and a fictitious public debt which, when panicked, announces that all the citizens of Serbia are turning black.

– Serbia really owes, that is, it owes when we withdraw all the money for which we have signed contracts or publicly committed, as much as 50.4 billion euros – declared Djilas.

The truth this time too is beyond Djilas’s imagination: economic policy and reforms have brought Serbia to the top of Europe. Undoubted proof of the stability of the Serbian economy is the assessment of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which has improved the forecast of Serbia’s GDP for 2020. The IMF praised the monetary and financial measures and the comprehensive fiscal package, which were introduced in response to the crisis, evaluating that they played a key and positive role in supporting the economy. It is not a coincidence, then, that up to 61% of all foreign direct investment in the Western Balkans ends up in Serbia.

Finance Minister Siniša Mali explained the state of Serbia’s public debt and economy to Djilas.

photo: Zorana Jevtić

Lies about crime

– Excellent financial results cannot be obtained and every effort will be made to diminish its importance. The fact is that we will have the best result in terms of economic growth in Europe, that our public debt is under control, that we have helped the economy with 5,800 million euros in the middle of the greatest crisis, that we are increasing salaries and pensions, that unemployment is at historic lows. 7.3 percent – Mali emphasized and recalled that the conditions in Serbian medical care are incomparably better than in Djilas’s time.

The SAA leader seems to be particularly upset by the results in the fight against crime, so he takes every opportunity to declare Serbia a “European Colombia” in the media that control it, to mark it as a “country trapped in a criminal network “… However, this is not the case here either. as Djilas would like. The facts are relentless again: the Home Office has performed incomparably better in recent years than the previous government’s working period.

– The number of murders has been reduced by approximately 25 percent and robberies by approximately 23 percent. The total number of criminal acts is drastically lower, President Aleksandar Vučić said recently, announcing a decisive fight against the mafia. And recently, former Police Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic presented data on the fight against corruption.

– In the period from 2014 to 2020, 160 directors of public companies, mayors, secretaries of state, vice ministers, officials of various levels and all those people for whom evidence was found and for whom it was assured that in the trial, before the courts that they are independent and they will decide whether someone is guilty or not, initiate proceedings and bring justice to the citizens of Serbia – Stefanović declared.


WHO has recognized Serbia, they are probably more valid than Djilas

photo: Printscreen Pink

Secretary of State in the Health Ministry, Mirsad Djerlek, tells Kurir that Djilas’s criticism of the health system is just an attempt to raise its irreparably bad rating.

– Djilas doesn’t even understand what he was brought up for, much less health care and discussion about medicine. The WHO has recognized Serbia as one of the most successful countries in Europe in fighting the pandemic, and its opinion is probably more valid than Djilas’s. I will remind you that many EU countries, when covid started in February and March, they warned our president that our health care system would explode in five days. Fortunately for us, and to his regret and Dragan Đilas’s pain, the state has shown how it fights for the health and lives of all citizens, no matter what political party, religion or nation they belong to, Đerlek says. / Kurir team Photo: Shutterstock Editing

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