May 03, 2020 6:30 PM |
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Scientists will have a long way to go to uncover all of its unknowns, or the damage it has done or will only do to the health of the world’s population.
The unknowns about the virus crown continue. Scientists will have a long way to go to uncover all of its unknowns, or the damage it has done or will only do to the health of the world’s population. Not only do some patients have numerous complications that can be fatal, but there are more and more possible long-term health consequences. Vomiting can affect the lungs, heart, brain, kidneys, blood vessels, and possibly men’s reproductive health.
Recent international research suggests that the coronavirus is unlikely to be sexually transmitted, but it is still said that this mode of transmission cannot be entirely ruled out. They are especially concerned that some patients with a mild form of 19-oxide have testicular pain, suggesting inflammation, which could mean that some of them will have a long-term fertility problem.
The international team of experts in this research was led by Dr. Feng Pan of the Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan. Analysis of sperm samples from 34 Chinese who had mild cadaveric acid symptoms a month ago shows that they were negative for the coronavirus, making the conclusion that the disease is unlikely to be sexually transmitted.
But experts say they cannot rule out the possibility that the virus was in the semen during the infectious period of patients. It was also noted that patients with a more serious illness were not screened, but experts are more concerned with the fact that 19 percent of those infected complain of testicular pain, which could eventually lead to inflammation and then fertility problems. Given that a fifth of sick men have testicular pain, scientists have wondered if the virus could spread with spasatozoids and what would be the consequences for men’s reproductive health if they are found in the testicles.
Laboratory tests did not detect SARS-CoV-2 in any of the subjects’ sperm samples, but care must be taken to detect possible testicular damage in patients with coronary virus, especially those of reproductive age. Although the coronavirus primarily targets the lungs and immune system, the infection is reported to cause a “weakening of immune testicular homeostasis,” which could cause orchitis or inflammation of the testicles. This could reduce sperm count and possibly lead to infertility, according to the Chinese scientists who conducted this research.

They add that during the 2002 and 2003 SARS epidemic, doctors noticed severe damage to the immune system in some men’s testicles. Therefore, more research is needed since some other viruses, such as those that cause mumps and HIV or herpes, can cause inflammation in the testicles. This fact is the reason why the research continues, not only for the possibility of sexual spread of the disease, but also for the possible consequences on the reproductive health of men.
The breathing
When it comes to coronary virus, the lungs are the first to hit because the respiratory organs are the first to suffer. After all, the major or minor symptoms of vomiting-19 are precisely cough and respiratory problems. But even when they heal, some patients still have problems, such as decreased lung function and permanent shortness of breath. Doctors note that these patients have reduced lung function by 20 to 30 percent after healing.
They find it difficult to breathe even when walking a little faster or climbing stairs. In these patients, he showed a blurred image after CT lung healing, suggesting that lung damage may have occurred. Pulmonary fibrosis has occurred in some patients as a result of inflammation of the connective tissue in the lungs, making it difficult for oxygen to reach the blood vessels, and then breathing is shallow and rapid.
Experts have been particularly concerned after monitoring patients with 19-disease shows that younger people with a milder form of the disease may have a stroke. That is, the virus can cause the most damage to blood vessels, be it the cause of hypoxia (lack of oxygen) or a problem with clotting, and is especially dangerous when it occurs in the blood vessels of the brain.
A known cytokine storm can damage blood vessels and then increase the risk of blood clots that can cause a stroke with more or less serious consequences. The problem of possible clots is the reason why anticoagulant medications are given to heavier malnourished patients. About 20 to 40 percent of people with malignancies-19 develop blood clots even when taking medications, a US study confirmed. USA

The same danger threatens the heart. The Chinese say that up to 20 enough patients hospitalized in Wuhan have been diagnosed with heart damage. The amount of crown virus is dangerous to the heart, according to data that 44 percent of patients had cardiac arrhythmias. Studies have shown that in almost 40 patients with coronary virus, a virus has been found in the heart muscle, which means it can cause inflammation and permanently damage it.
Experts recommend that patients should also undergo a cardiac ultrasound to detect damage as soon as possible. Problems with the blood vessels caused by Kovid-19 are the reason that some seriously ill patients can also have kidneys, so they need dialysis. That is, the kidneys filter the blood and the corona virus can affect everything by affecting the blood vessels. Of course, that damage can be permanent, doctors warn.
The least talked about is the impact on mental health. Not only is the severity of the disease what leaves the consequences, but it can also be the isolation that many find difficult to bear. Experts warn that we will only face the problem.