The last conversation with him was completely different, he told me that now he understood me much better


THE TRUTH ABOUT THE AMPHILLOQUIA!  VUCIC: The last conversation with him was completely different, he told me that now he understood me much better

Photo: EPA / Boris Pejović, Marina Lopičić

My last and penultimate conversation with Mitropolitom Amfilohijem They were very different from the previous ones, because then the metropolitan told me that they understood my position and the position of Serbia much better. This is how Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić responded to questions and speculation today about why he did not speak at the Metropolitan’s funeral in Montenegro.

– Metropolitan Amfilohije told me that he understands my position and the position of Serbia much better than he understood before. I was not alone, I also have witnesses – said Vučić.

As he emphasized, he did not ask to speak at the funeral, and he himself decided to attend the farewell and pay homage to “a man with whom he often disagreed, but when he appreciated him as a great tribune of the people who is rarely born.”

– I didn’t ask either, nor the burial of Amphilochius it was a place and a time to speak, and at the funeral I was forced to attend and bow to the metropolitan … If the Serbs did not fight for the grave, a miracle would happen – said the president, adding that he tried to give respect for a man who thinks differently, but who has become a target for it.

Kosovo Pact

After a special session of the Government, in which he participated together with the President of the Assembly Ivica Dacic and the Governor of the NBS Jorgovanka Tabakovic, Vucic said that Serbia could not accept Pristina’s position that it would form the Union of Serbian Municipalities after the recognition of independence.

– I presented to the government representatives the direction of the dialogue, the points that we agree on, those that we do not. Pristina has promised to create the JCC not on the condition of any recognition, but on the condition that things related to the regional police, participation in elections, everything that is written in the Brussels agreement, and cannot invent new agreements that do not exist – he stressed. is Vucic. He warned that this would put Belgrade in a difficult situation. Vučić said that he tries every day to preserve the peace and security of the people in Kosovo and Metohija.

– Of all the admirers of that Kosovo pact that you are talking about, in the end it is my turn to fight the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, which some have declared the greatest traitor. Kosovo declared its unilateral independence in 2008, when I was not even close to the government. Then we managed to return the issue of Kosovo to the table, to talk about it and negotiate – said the president of Serbia.

Smart, without arguing

As he emphasized, today the priority is commitment and peace, and not “what kind of rifle will he carry, from what hill will someone shoot at him.” – I do not want to return any children to my mother in the coffin – said Vučić.

Speaking of the economy, he said that in yesterday’s meeting he called to work as intelligently as possible, that our economy give prestige to everything and that we do not get into political disputes with other countries. Vučić stated that Serbia will be one of the few countries that will increase not only the minimum, but also salaries in the public sector and pensions without significant negative effects on the budget, that is, maintaining a healthy economy without borrowing from the country. As he explained, almost all European countries are ahead of us in terms of public debt.

Dacic caused laughter. I was in the opposition and I saw that it was not good

Vučić called Dačić at the conference and received an unexpected response. – Well, maybe Ivica was, because he was in all governments. Man has never objected. And now you will tell me that it was two years, from 2000 to 2002 – said Vučić, to which Dačić added: – Well, I was there and I saw that it was not well.

photo: Ana Paunković

Messenger / Ivana Kljajić

Photo: Marina Lopičić, EPA

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