The Kovid Hospital in Sokobanja received FIRST PATIENTS, in the district of Novi Pazar and Toplica in GREATER NUMBER OF EXAMS


There are 25 patients in the Infectious Disease Clinic of the Novi Pazar hospital, and five of them are being treated at the kovid temporary hospital at the Novi Pazar spa.

The number of examinations in kovid dispensaries is also increasing, so the Institute of Public Health warns that the situation in July could be repeated.

Dr. Majda Ivković, spokesperson for the Institute of Public Health in Novi Pazar, told RTS that a large number of citizens are being treated at home and invites them to come to the Kovid clinic with the first symptoms.

Sokobanja: the first patients at Kovid Hospital

The first patients were admitted to the Sokobanja lung disease hospital, which has been in the kovid system since yesterday.

Vesna Milanović, the director of the hospital, tells RTS that the institution has a total of 160 hospital beds.

According to her, patients with moderate and severe clinical symptoms will be cared for there, and those who need a respirator will be transferred to the Clinical Center in Nis.

Dr. Milanović stated that 16 doctors, that is, a total of 40 medical workers, will take care of the health of patients in this institution.

Toplica district: multitude of ambulances

There are large crowds in kovid ambulances in the four municipalities of the Toplica district.

Yesterday, 137 patients with respiratory infections, fever and suspected kovid 19 were examined at the Prokuplje Health Center, reports RTS.

Ten patients were referred to the Prokuplje hospital, where 29 are currently hospitalized.

VIDEO: Seven Groups of Corona Symptoms
