“THE KLA WILL NOT ROLL INTO TERRORISM”: reveals a French judge: a judge from The Hague told me one thing!


– I hope that the current procedure in The Hague is over and that the court, the judges and the witnesses are not under political pressure. Justice must be distributed independently and impartially. Four years ago, a judge approached me and told me that these processes would take place in The Hague instead of Pristina for security reasons, Ogar said.

The retired French colonel claims that the judge then told him that “some witnesses disappeared, others were victims of accidents and others withdrew for fear of reprisals from the KLA.”

– The KLA has not renounced terrorism and it is obvious that the organization does not want these trials to end with a conviction of its leaders, mainly Thaci. The KLA will do everything possible to avoid the convictions that all honest people expect.

When asked if he would personally go to The Hague to testify, Ogar said:

– As for me, I pointed out to the judge that I was obviously available to the court if he wanted my testimony.

(Kosovo online)

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