THE KILLER LOOKED FOR THREE HOURS IN THE DARK: New details of the investigation into the liquidation of Zoran Uskoković (22) at Kanarevo Brdo in Belgrade


Videos at various locations “captured” an elderly man, limping and holding himself with a cane while walking. However, the last camera, which recorded the execution itself, also recorded the moment when the “old man” turns into an athletic man after the murder and flees the crime scene.

All these details show that the settlement of the young Uskoković was conscientiously prepared, that it was carried out by a professional murderer and that the young man was willing to wait in a place where he felt almost safe. Uskokovic was killed while walking towards his mother’s house. He parked the “Audi caravan” behind the market and literally went to meet the killer. The executor, who played the old man, shot him in the head as he passed him.

– There is no doubt that the trustee was waiting for an accomplice in a car, somewhere nearby, or had a barn in that part of Borska Street, where he changed his clothes – says our source close to the investigation. – It is still difficult to talk about the motives for the murder of young Skolet. We are still investigating. There is no file, but there are certain contacts that we are now examining in detail.

The young man went to his mother, who lives in one of the nearby buildings, on the night from Saturday to Sunday. No one heard the shots, so it is believed that the killer used a silencer.

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