The judge listed all the horrors he forced the girl to


NOVI SAD – Pera Dmitrov (67) from Backa Palanka, today before the Novi Sad High Court, was sentenced to a single sentence of 8 years in prison for the prolonged crime of adultery with a child and sentenced to 7 years in prison and for a prolonged crime The act of illegal sexual activity is punishable by imprisonment of 2 years.

Judge Ivana Josifović rendered the first instance verdict for the extended offense of adultery with a child along with the extended offense of illicit sexual activity.

According to the verdict, the defendant Pera Dimitrov is also obliged to pay the amount of 300,000.00 dinars to the aggrieved minor NN in the name of compensation for moral damage for mental pain for violation of human dignity, within a period of one month from the firmness of the verdict. Supreme Court.

photo: Marina Lopicic

– The duly informed defendant did not attend the main trial. The public was excluded throughout the course of the main trial due to the protection of the interests of the injured minor. In the main trial held on September 18, the Trial Chamber decided to pronounce the verdict as well as the reasons for announcing the verdict in public.

The defendant Dmitrov is on an unspecified date in 2017 until June 19, 2018. in Bačka Palanka, at his home on Čerga street, able to understand the meaning of his work and to manage his actions, aware of his work and wanted its execution, to satisfy his sexual impulse, committed ten to fifteen times with a child – N damaged N (14), act equated with intercourse and on several occasions he performed other sexual acts with her, in such a way that when the child -the injured NN came to his house to buy cigarettes for his father and watch television series, when he was alone in the house, he closed the door of the house from the inside, put a blanket in the place to hide from possible stains from the outside, and forced her to satisfy him orally by taking off her jeans and underwear up to her knees, forcing her to kneel in front of him and open her mouth, after he put her genitals in her mouth, which she kept doing with continuous rhythmic movements, m While on several occasions he forced her to fully satisfy him by masturbating her genitals, which she did. , he kissed her on the mouth, on her breasts, in the area of ​​her stomach, breasts and genitals, he touched her belly with his genitals, the part under her panties and between her legs, he persuaded them to have sex, threatening her that he did not tell anyone, according to which he knew that his act was prohibited, for which he committed the extended criminal offense of adultery with a child in conjunction with the extended criminal offense of illicit sexual activity – the statement stated.

The presiding judge orally explained the evidence from which the Trial Chamber was convinced beyond any reasonable doubt of the facts thus established, not accepting the defense of the accused who denied that the above had ever happened. The court mainly based the verdict on the testimony of the aggrieved party given in the presence of a psychologist, who was heard in accordance with the positive regulations so as to protect the interests of the injured child as much as possible and avoid secondary victimization.

Based on the reproduced audio and video recording of the victim’s testimony, as well as the conclusions of a team of expert neuropsychiatrists, psychiatrists and psychologists, the court determined that his testimony was detailed, clear, understandable, that the minor victim of age was not prone to conspiracy. the result of her own experiences, feelings and observations, and that the possibility that she has only reproduced what she has learned or suggested is excluded, which is derived from the wealth of detail that mlt. the aggrieved party described numerous illegal and involuntary situations in which he encountered the accused during the indicated period of more than a year.

According to the statement, the Court sentenced the accused to 8 years in prison, assessing all the circumstances on the part of the accused who did not show the slightest sympathy throughout the process, as well as the circumstances related to the commission of two criminal offenses in the extension. . performed in the Cherga settlement where everyone lived as closest neighbors and close or distant relatives. The court also evaluated all the circumstances on the minor’s part. damaged, her family and social circumstances, which her mother left when she was three months old, to grow up with her father, stepmother and three siblings, to go to school regularly, but also to develop in an educational and socially little environment stimulating. With such a ruling, the court concludes that general prevention objectives will be achieved in terms of influencing the possible perpetrators of such crimes.

In accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, the court awarded the injured party compensation for non-pecuniary damage for mental pain due to violation of human dignity, which every person and every child acquires at birth. , regardless of gender, race, nationality and no one has the right to take it away or injure it, and sexual violence is one of the most serious forms of violation of human dignity that generates a terrifying, hostile and degrading environment caused by the behavior of the accused and an obvious objective impotence. mlt. damaged to prevent, oppose or report it to someone.

For all this, the court sent a clear message that all children have the same right to childhood, and that the child who does not have adequate protection of the family and the environment, will be protected by the law and the court, concluded the High Court of Novi Sad.

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Author: delivery courier
