The institute where Dr. Kon works has SUPER TIPS on how to celebrate the New Year safely but NOT BORING!


How we behave tonight will largely depend on whether we will have a happy new year. And the greatest happiness in life for all of us is undoubtedly health. Therefore, it is not worse to reread the warnings, but also tips on how to celebrate the New Year and stay healthy.

Epidemiologist and crisis staff member Predrag Kon once again drew attention to all the dangers of gathering and organizing secret New Year’s Eve celebrations.

– If you have about 100 people, one is contagious. The smaller the number of people, the less likely they are to be contagious. It is that risk that you cannot avoid in any way, and the transfer is safe even under those conditions. It can be transferred to five or six people, and in some special circumstances of a closed space with massive music, it can be increased to ten, Kon told RTS.

When this is multiplied by the number of those places, as he indicates, one can understand the risk it represents.

Slight increase in infections after the New Year

There were large crowds in the shopping malls and Dr. Kon recalls that they warned of such a risk, but that it was decided as it was.

– The important thing is that they still wear masks, because this way the risk is significantly reduced, almost 100 times. However, extremely high density is something that is not allowed. Malls are nine square meters per person and in such controlled conditions there shouldn’t be such crowds, says Kon.

A member of the Crisis Staff appeals to all those in charge of controlling it.

Asked whether another wave could be avoided, Cohn says there will likely be a slight increase after the New Year, but that there will be an apparent decline first during the New Year holidays, similar to what happens on Saturdays and Sundays.

– This has been repeated with the flu for decades in all European countries. After that, we will have a raise, so that the first week is taken with a reserve, says Kon.

GZJZ: avoid crowds even outdoors

The Belgrade Municipal Institute of Public Health (GZJZ) issued a recent statement advising how to safely celebrate the upcoming holidays:

– First of all, adamantly avoid all important gatherings and celebrations indoors. You have an undeniable reason for that: in our country, as in many others, gatherings of more than five people inside are officially prohibited! – is the first tip of GZJZ.

As they say, one should stay away from all meetings regardless of the space.

– Avoid even the outdoor crowds: street bazaars, fairs, sales and all kinds of vacations in squares, parks … If you still need to at least feel the spirit of the holidays in this way, try to always keep your physical distance recommended of two meters in relation to the others, and if you feel that this is not possible, be sure to wear a mask! – underlined in GZJZ.

Photo: Vladimir Lojanica / RAS Serbia

Postpone trips that are not necessary

If, following your old habits, you are thinking of traveling somewhere and taking advantage of the holidays, you should know that surely the chances of catching it yourself increase, but also that if you are an asymptomatic carrier, you can spread the virus more easily and quickly . in this institute.

– At this time, however, it is wiser and responsible, towards oneself and others, to postpone all trips that are not necessary. It is less risky to spend important dates on state and religious calendars in the safest place possible: in your home, with those with whom you normally share an apartment or house in which you live. These can be close family members, but also other people with whom you may not be related, but who share the same living space. Joining people from another home or place, even when they are family members (for example, students who go to their parents’ houses from the university centers where they normally live during the holidays), already represents a potential risk of spreading a new corona virus, warns PHI. .

And some great ideas for New Years Eve

As a counterweight to all restrictions and warnings, this health institution offers several suggestions on how to feel the spirit of the holiday this year and enjoy it, while maintaining the necessary degree of responsibility and caution towards ourselves and others.

Photo: Shutterstock

– Organize a festive dinner, with all the accompanying rituals, but only for the members of your household. Enrich your culinary skills by trying new family recipes or finding old ones. Involve all family members in the preparations and make a creative festive gathering for all generations, emphasize in GZJZ.

As they say, prepare food for yourself, but also for friends, family or neighbors, especially those who live alone, as well as those who are currently sick or at higher risk of getting sick.

– Make sure you deliver the Christmas food safely, without direct physical contact or involving other people in the food delivery. For now, there is no valid evidence that the new corona virus is transmitted through food, so you can share it with loved ones without fear – emphasize in this institute.

Organize virtual meetings with friends.

Virtual meetings with family and friends through existing online platforms are also desirable.

Photo: Shutterstock

– Although at first it may seem strange and create the feeling that such communication is unnatural and lacks the usual intimacy, with a little getting used to through more frequent contacts in this way, naturalness and closeness will reach the desired level. It may sound strange, but this way you can even organize joint dinners. And do not be afraid, in this way we will not alienate ourselves or become slaves of modern technology. On the contrary, this way it helps us, in the safest way, to preserve something very important, the relationships with the people that matter most to us – they say in GZJZ.

If it is difficult for you to imagine the holidays without accompanying gifts from loved ones, whenever possible, buy gifts online, now it is more accessible than ever, they advise at this institution.

– We all have long lists of never-before-seen movies and unread books. This winter gives many reasons and justifications to spend it hidden, with a hot drink and dedicate yourself to shortening those lists. The weather is on your side this time, they explain in GZJZ.

Be patient a little more

In this health institution, they understand the needs of man as a social being.

– We all feel the same: we need a dose of relief and little joys like never before. There is a great desire to rest, at least for a short time, from life in the grip of greater vigilance and to enjoy the enjoyment, as in the past. However, our vacation plans this year need to be modified and put in place to prevent the spread of the Kovid 19 pandemic. The biggest challenge, the most responsible task, but also the most valuable gift of this year is! preserve health! To themselves, to their relatives, relatives and friends, but also to their colleagues, to all our fellow citizens and compatriots – they emphasize in the institution.

As they say, the holidays are there to attract the spirit of freedom, but they will return soon, next year and for many years to come.

-The important thing is that we wait for you next, as it should be, all together! – is concluded in the announcement of the Municipal Institute of Public Health of Belgrade.

After the first quarter of 2021, it will be easier

After Fajzer, the first doses of the Russian “Sputnik V” vaccine arrived in Serbia, so, as Kon says, we must be optimistic.

– Vaccines are coming slowly. I said that at first, it will be in drops, until the whole process begins. When immunization begins en masse in January, then the number of immune people will increase rapidly, says Kon.

Kragujevac vaccination at the Gerontology Center

Photo: Nebojsa Raus / RAS Serbia

Kragujevac vaccination at the Gerontology Center

He points out that the speed with which protection is achieved will depend on the organization in the country and the response of the citizenry, which will prevent the virus from spreading as it is now.

– That should be after the first trimester, but we must understand that vaccination will be throughout the year. It will also be in the fall of next year, because we don’t yet know how long the protection lasts. What is known for sure is that it is at least six months and it is expected to be several years, but we will have to wait – concluded Kon for RTS.
