The inspection found more than 80 people in the bar



27.12.2020. 14:50

At the aforementioned bar in Vračar, inspectors ordered the bar to be emptied and a misdemeanor warrant was issued.

Party, celebration

Photo: Shuterstoock / VTT Studio

Only in a bar in Vračar, the tourist inspectors of the Secretariat of Inspection Affairs found up to 87 people last night after 8 pm!

During the control of respect to the work schedule last night, an inspection of 92 catering establishments was carried out, it was announced from this secretariat.


Does it comply with the crown protection measure?

At the aforementioned bar in Vračar, inspectors ordered the bar to be emptied and a misdemeanor warrant was issued.

A similar situation was found in two other catering facilities, in the territory of the municipalities of the city of Palilula and the old town, and tourism inspectors also issued minor offense orders in these cases. The inspection determined that three catering establishments were exceeding their prescribed working hours and therefore absence orders were issued for them.

The Secretariat for Inspection Affairs announced that it will continue to monitor compliance with prescribed work schedules in the future and called on catering companies to adhere to the measures adopted by the Crisis Staff.


However, neither the controls, nor the measures, nor the limitation of the working hours of the cafes, nor the calls of the Crisis Staff and doctors have had much effect so far. The number of secret parties in Belgrade is growing and now it is no longer just about house party variants. The city’s catering services have also joined the “trend.”
