The initiative was presented by a Swedish parliamentarian who donated 200 euros to Kosovo to fight for the crown


Swedish MP Magnus Jakobson presented the initiative to nominate the governments of the United States, Serbia and Kosovo for the Nobel Peace Prize.

As he stated, he was encouraged to do so by the Washington agreement between Belgrade and Pristina on the normalization of economic relations, which he believes is paving the way for a peace agreement between the two parties. This Christian Democrat politician wrote on his Twitter profile that today he presented the nomination for the Swedish Academy of Sciences, which awards the Nobel Prizes.

“That is why I want to nominate the Government of the United States of America, the Government of Kosovo and the Government of Serbia for the Nobel Peace Prize, because this agreement aims to eliminate the risk of new conflicts in the Balkans and is closer of peace and mutual recognition, “Jacobson said. “, Kosovo broadcasts online.

As added, in the late 1990s, Europe was struck by a bloody war in which different parts of the former Yugoslavia fought each other on ethnic and religious grounds.

“After the end of the war, it was difficult to find a path that would lead to reconciliation, as seen in relations between Kosovo and Serbia. In recent years, there have been situations in which we, who are following development in the Balkans, have been very concerned that new conflicts might arise. That is why it is very important to see that President Donald Trump and his administration, together with the Governments of Kosovo and Serbia, have advanced in the negotiations for the normalization of economic relations, the proposal adds.

As Jakobson wrote, commerce and communication are some of the most important pillars in the transition from “cold to warm peace.”

“This is a very important step in the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia. If the signed agreement works as planned, open trade and personal relations would open the way for a mutual peace agreement in which Serbia can recognize Kosovo, which would end this long conflict. ” ? “Jakobson stated.

On the occasion of the Nobel Prize nomination, US President Donald Trump’s special envoy for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Richard Grenel, also announced that he shared Jakobson’s announcement on his Twitter account.

Who is Magnus Jakobson?

Swedish MP Jakobson previously donated 200 euros to Kosovo for the fight against coronavirus and posted it, along with the payment receipt, on his Facebook profile.

“I have many friends in the Balkans. Unfortunately, they were also affected by the corona virus. Kosovo, one of the countries in danger, sent out a public appeal for financial aid during this crisis. I decided to help with 200 euros,” wrote Jakobson at that moment.

In addition, he submitted a request for interpellation on the issue of visa liberalization for Kosovo last year. Jakobson demanded that the visas of Kosovo citizens as citizens of other Balkan countries be revoked and that his country also increase the volume of trade with Kosovo.

“I demand that the volume of trade with Kosovo be increased and that visas be eliminated for its citizens, as for all other citizens of the Balkan countries,” Jakobson wrote on Facebook at the time.

Previously, he requested an interpellation from the Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs regarding the issue of visa liberalization for Kosovo.
