The increase in the number of patients in Vojvodina is dominated by cases with a milder clinical picture.


The Vojvodina Public Health Institute continues to assess the epidemiological situation in AP Vojvodina as uncertain. Compared to the previous week, there was an increase in the number of registered cases, it was announced.

The daily number of cases registered in AP Vojvodina during the previous week ranged between 13 and 22. However, during the previous day, 41 new cases were registered, including 20 from Novi Sad, which indicates the expected deterioration of the epidemiological situation during fall, according to the Institute. .

As added, cases with a mild clinical picture dominate.

“At the moment, there are 265 active cases in the territory of AP Vojvodina, which represents an increase compared to the previous week. The highest number of active cases is in Novi Sad, 114, which is also an increase compared to the previous weeks, the spread and activity of the virus in the territory of the province, which indicates the need for a stricter application of protection measures in the coming weeks ”, they point out.

Active cases are present in 32 of the 45 municipalities of Vojvodina, and in 23 municipalities there are less than 5 active cases.

During the six weeks of September and October, there was a continuous decline in the number of registered cases and a stabilization of the number of active cases at a low level compared to the previous epidemic wave. Starting this week, we expect a trend of increasing registered cases and worsening of the epidemiological situation. and the transition to an unfavorable situation in the next period, “the statement said.

Among the sick, as they say, the active labor force dominates.

“No changes have been determined in the number and form of infection in children compared to September. Individual cases of school-age children are recorded, which are related to residence in other countries or the infection came from previously ill parents or out of school. No transmission of the disease was recorded among children in school conditions, “says the Institute.

The institute calls on everyone to “continue with the necessary implementation of the announced measures to control the transmission of the disease in order to keep the trend of the disease at low levels.”

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