The husband and wife agreed to die together due to illness.


TRAGEDY: Husband and wife agreed to die together from illness

Photo: Staša Keneški KURIR TV

Dušan Jekić (83) from Novi Sad yesterday killed his wife Dušanka (85) with a pistol shot, for which he shot himself in the head in the courtyard of the family home on Nova Street in Petrovaradin.

As we found out, the couple most likely agreed to die together.

They sent their daughter to the bank

In this courtyard, Dušan killed Dušanka, so he judged himself
In this courtyard, Dušan killed Dušanka, so he judged himselfphoto: Staša Keneški KURIR TV

– Dušanka was seriously ill, she had extremely strong medications. The disease had so drained her that she was almost immobile and defenseless. She was cared for all the time by her husband Dušan, who was also in poor health. It is assumed that the couple decided to take this horrible step together – says a source familiar with the case and adds: – It seems that the two planned everything. They sent their daughter to the bank to withdraw her money, most likely they would leave her alone and avoid her suffering and torment. During that time, Dušan pulled two chairs out to the patio and turned them toward the house. They sat on top of them, turned to each other. They were fired, but their intention was reportedly determined. The couple probably decided on this step because they didn’t see a way out of their situation. – Dušan took a pistol and shot Dušanka, who died on the spot. He was scared when he saw the blood and realized that she was dead, but he wanted to fulfill the agreement and soon shot himself in the head – says the source. Dušan and Dušanka were found on chairs in front of the house, showing signs of life. – The ambulance took him to the Vojvodina Clinical Center, but he died shortly after admission – says the interlocutor.

Big Love

Grandma and Grandpa’s neighbors were shocked yesterday, and they only have nice words for Jekić. – Amazing! Horror one, that family is modest and wonderful. There were never any problems with them. There were no nasty words between the two, much less violence. Not even a raised tone was heard from his patio. We are sure that they agreed to go to their death together. It is too sad, but if they wanted, let them travel, they are tired – says the neighbor, while the other adds: – Dušan said he would kill himself. It was difficult for him to have to watch his helpless wife and suffer, and he was unable to help her in any way. It was a great love, they loved each other very much. Still, no one expected this.


The daughter found them

According to neighbors, none heard the shots. – We only heard what happened when we saw the police and the ambulance. They were alone at home, supposedly the daughter they live with found them like that. They were hardworking hosts, an honest home, they ran away from Croatia and moved here many years ago – says the neighbor. – B. Travica – J. Ivić / Photo: Staša Kenški Kurir TV

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Author: delivery courier
