The humanitarian pensioner sold the house, for which he gave the money for the treatment of Minja Matić


He worked honestly and hard all his life. Radoslav did not choose jobs, so he was a blacksmith and butcher when necessary. He also spends his retirement days working. Inside the home, he takes care of the animals, but also 10 hectares of land. As he says, he supported his children and grandchildren, so he wanted to give the money from the sale of the house to those who needed it most.

“Thank God she gave me healthy children and healthy grandchildren. So I don’t need this capital that I received from the inheritance. That’s why I gave it to little Minja so that she can recover as quickly as possible and be in the best order,” he says. pensioner Radoslav Marjanović.

The villagers only have words of praise for Radoslav and his family.

“He is a very honest, good, sociable man, he wants to do, to help, and he also suffered for the crown, he saw how the situation is, when someone needs help and he did something that rarely anyone can do something like that.” stated Biljana Lukić.

The host with a big heart confided to us that he did not want the media attention. However, he is glad that in this way he will be able to set an example for others, so that the money for the treatment of little Minja can be collected as soon as possible.

“The same, who has something that they do not need, and the children would help, that they are human, that they contribute to the health of the children,” says the humanitarian pensioner Marjanović.

The hope for a cure is provided by an expensive new gene therapy, which requires $ 2.4 million. For Minja to win the battle for life, it is necessary to raise another $ 400,000.
