THE HORROR AT THE KOVID HOSPITAL The oxygen bottle beats death over death! He was upset when he started to pray


A patient infected with kovid-19 beat his 82-year-old roommate to death “because he was upset when the victim started praying,” the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office announced Wednesday.

The department announced that Jesse Martinez, 37, was arrested and that the attack occurred on December 17 at around 9.45 am local time, writes “USA Today.”

The murderer and the victim did not know each other. Authorities said Martinez was placed in a double room with an unidentified elderly Hispanic patient at a hospital in Lancaster, California. Both were treated for coronavirus, the statement added.

“The suspect was upset when the older man began to pray. He then hit the victim with an oxygen bottle,” authorities said.


The unfortunate man died the next day from his injuries.

Lancaster Mayor R. Rek Paris said in a statement that he was “shocked and saddened” by what was happening at the hospital.

– These families have already had difficulties and now this does not make sense – he added.

Martinez was held on a million dollar bond and charged with murder, aggravated hate crimes and elder abuse.

An investigation into the attack is underway.

The first American state with more than two million infected

On Wednesday night, California became the first state in the United States in which the number of people infected with the corona surpassed two million cases since the beginning of the pandemic, data from Johns Hopkins University show.

Of California’s 58 counties, 55 are at the most restrictive purple tier, so many non-food stores have been closed, while businesses have been directed to employ employees from home whenever possible.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom attributed the latest jump in patient numbers to relaxing people during social distancing and gathering citizens at home, especially during the holidays.

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