The horrible confession of a man from Užice, who said goodbye to life and then won the crown


He weighed a whopping 196 kilograms when he was attacked by the crown, he even spat blood and thought there was no chance of pulling his head out alive! And on top of everything, Ljubomir Đoković (37), a native of Užice who lives in Belgrade, managed to overcome the plague that only meant one thing for many obese people: death!

Happiness in misfortune

Ljubomir is one of those who was incredibly lucky in the accident. Though he struggled for days from doctor to doctor, from lab to lab, he waited for the PCR test results while his temperature was 39.5, though during that time he was packing on both sides of pneumonia, he battled kovid with relative ease. To all this, we must add almost its 200 kg, so even the scanner could not work: this device cannot support such a large size!

– On June 11 I felt the first symptoms, weakness, mild fever. I went to a private clinic and the blood and x-ray results were fine. They thought it was just a cold. But the temperature did not drop, so after a week I went back to visit a private person, but the blood count was still fine. Now they suspected ear infections. However, two days later I did a PCR test. During all that time, I have a temperature, it reaches 39.5. And there is no test result. I waited for him for six days. Finally arriving – positive! And I’m already starting to spit blood, a story for Kurir Ljubomir.

So the devil took the joke. He was urgently placed in the CBC “Dragiša Mišović”.

– At the hospital I was diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia on an X-ray. The scanner couldn’t work for me because it can support a person up to 170 kilograms, and I was 196! I thought it was coming to an end. And I am survived by my wife and two young children. Not only was he extremely obese, but he also had everything obesity brings with it: insulin resistance, elevated levels of uric acid in the blood (which leads to gout), and slightly elevated blood pressure. With all that and the crown, I thought I had no chance of getting out of the hospital alive, recalls Ljubomir.

Although he was “alone” in the room and “only” on oxygen, he observed the agony of the people around him every day.

Doctor heroes

– It’s horrible when you look at people struggling to breathe. Agony, robbery. Only one at a time leads to intensive. Many certainly did not make it out of it alive. And what can I think, too fat, except that it’s over. And I am grateful to God, the doctors and the staff of “Mišović” for being alive. Doctors and doctors are true heroes, we must appreciate their sacrifice. In spacesuits all day, they sweat, everything drips, and wet traces remain on the ground.

The disease, he adds, is insidious and should not be underestimated. His wife and children, thankfully, underwent a crown with mild symptoms.


I lost more than 30 pounds

At the time he received kovid, Ljubomir was making detailed preparations for a stomach reduction operation:

– When I stopped practicing judo, uncontrolled weight gain started, I lost 196 kilograms and decided to have stomach surgery. And then the crown reached me. I lost more than 20 kg just for her. And then somehow I managed to change my diet, I don’t eat anything after six in the afternoon, and lately I’ve lost another ten pounds. So for now, I stopped the operation.


Zlatibor Healing

Ljubomir lives in Belgrade, but was born in Užice, and is originally from the village of Sirogojno in Zlatibor, where he spent most of his time after leaving the hospital.

– I have been in Sirogojno for more than 100 days, the air of Zlatibor is healing my lungs. I feel a lot of herbs, but as soon as it’s cold in the room, it bothers me, I cough – says Ljubomir, who passed out three full months after the crown.

( / Jelena S. Spasic / Photo: Private archive)

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