The hole in the state treasury is never deeper and support for economic policy is never greater


In the Serbian Assembly, deputies discussed the proposal for the second rebalancing of the budget this year. With the new budget balance, planned state revenues increased by $ 46.5 billion, while expenditures increased almost three times, by approximately $ 148 billion. All this means that the deficit in the Serbian state treasury at the end of the year will be 483 billion dinars, or 8.8 percent of gross domestic product.

When Finance Minister Siniša Mali defended the 2020 budget in front of MPs last year, he had no idea what year to expect. Of the expected deficit of 20 billion, Serbia will end the year with a record budget deficit.

“We have a deficit of 483 billion dinars. Absolutely a deficit that in no way endangers our macroeconomic stability, so we are on average in the European Union,” said Finance Minister Sinisa Mali.

Assistance to the economy due to the coronavirus, construction of two new covid hospitals in Belgrade and Krševac, assistance of 10,000 dinars to all health workers, all this is the reason for the high deficit. However, Minister Mali believes that there is a reason for the citizens to be satisfied.

“When you look at the growth rate of our economy, it is very important for me to point out that by the end of the year, according to the projections we have, we are the best in Europe. In this budget review, all these activities that I have listed will result in less one or what we expect, because this is a conservative estimate of the growth rate, -0.6 or -0.7. So the smallest drop in Europe, the best result in Europe, “Mali added.

Almost all members of the Serbian Parliament share the Minister’s satisfaction with the results achieved.

“Here, the decline is a success, why? Because it is the smallest decline of all the countries in our region and of all the countries of Europe,” says Milorad Mijatović of the Social Democratic Party of Serbia.

“And that would not be the case if we did not have a responsible policy and the state president, the prime minister, the finance minister and the parliamentarian,” added SNS MP Aleksandra Tomić.

“We believe this is the fairest and most realistic redistribution of the financial space at the moment,” says SPS deputy Djordje Milicevic.

And it’s not that there are no objections. There were some, but not in the rebalancing of the budget, but in the price in the assembly restaurant.

“The coffee cannot be seven dinars, we are not an association of social cases. The price of coffee in the rural retirement clubs is 70 dinars and we can redirect that money to social cases. Here is the minister having the third coffee, if it were 80 dinars, he would take two. ” said Dragan Markovic Palma.

The deputies obviously said everything they had in the assembly hall, because none of the 250 deputies held a press conference, so all the journalistic questions remained unanswered.
