The HIT SERIES extra “South Wind” burst into the party and started the BLOOD Feast!


The girl MK (21) was seriously injured, while the young M. Đ. (22) suffered minor injuries, when, as suspected, Lazar G. (21), who appeared in the popular series “South Wind”, stabbed them!

The bloody drama took place on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday in the Kaludjerica neighborhood of Belgrade, during a party. Suspect Lazar G. escaped after being wounded, but police soon arrested him in a “Mercedes” car at the Smederevski post.

photo: Facebook

– Lazar G. was an extra on the hit series “South Wind”. He played Vush’s man. Vuša is a mob character from a Montenegrin drug gang, played by Aleksandar Gavranić. Lazar appeared in two episodes of the popular series. He didn’t have a text message, he just stopped, says the source and continues:

– He played a young criminal, and unfortunately it seems that in real life he took that path. Our source reveals that Lazar G., allegedly uninvited, broke into a house party and created chaos.

the house where the incident occurred
the house where the incident occurredphoto: Kurir / Branka Travica

– Wounded MK and M. Đ. they were at a private celebration. Lazar, who had been in a fight with M. Đ. Before, he received information about his whereabouts and exiled him to settle accounts with him. As we found out, after the suspect broke into the party, he started arguing with M. Đ. Then they got into a fight. Fists were fired and then the arrested man pulled out a knife and first stabbed M. Đ.

She started screaming and the stabbed fell to her knees. The attacker then turned to the girl, who was probably trying to defuse the conflict. He stabbed her like crazy, while she cried and asked for help – says the source and adds that Lazar G. escaped after a bloody party.


We hear in the media

The young man, in whose house the incident occurred, was not at the aforementioned address yesterday. – He lives here with his girlfriend and his mother, and they also have tenants – say the neighbors who learned about the stabbing from the media. Kurir’s reporters found tenants in the house. “I worked the third shift and arrived around six in the morning, so I don’t know what happened,” the tenant said to Kurir.

– And him, but also the wounded M. Đ. they are known to the police beforehand and they have files – says the interlocutor and adds that the suspect was detained for up to 48 hours, while the injured young man and girl were treated at the Emergency Center.

– The girl has serious injuries, was operated on and kept in the hospital, while the boy has minor injuries and yesterday he was discharged for home treatment – adds the source. The police conducted an investigation and the motives for the confrontation are being determined. – JI – BT – AP – Photo: Printskrin Facebook, Branka Travica

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