The highest number of new infected so far: 2,677, 9 more people lost the fight with covid



The number of patients in Rasina district is increasing and another 48 infected people have been confirmed in 24 hours.

According to data from the Institute of Public Health in Krusevac, in the last 24 hours in the Rasina district, another 48 positive results for the coronavirus were confirmed: in Aleksandrovac 15, Krusevac 13, Trstenik 12, while Cicevac registered an increase of one digit in the number of patients with five and Bruce with three new patients.

The number of newly ill students is also increasing.

Of the four newly diagnosed, two are from Aleksandrovac, one from Kruševac and one from Ćićevac, bringing the number of positive students since the beginning of the school year to 25 and the number of teachers to six.

Today, there are three more patients in the infection and thoracic wards of the Kruševac General Hospital than on Friday, a total of 57.

Since the beginning of the pandemic in the Rasina district, kovid 19 has been confirmed in 2,138 people, 1,549 have been cured and 5,750 people are currently under health supervision.


Five more people infected by coronavirus in Sombor

In the last 24 hours, a total of 37 patients with fever and respiratory symptoms were examined in the respiratory clinic of the General Hospital “Dr Radivoj Simonović” Sombor. 14 patients were tested for coronavirus.

Of that number, the presence of the virus was confirmed in five patients.

Of the positive positives, one patient was admitted to the kovid ward and four patients were sent to home self-isolation.

Two patients with positive urine are on mechanical ventilation (ventilator).

Seven doctors, nine nurses, an administrative worker, and a technical services worker are positive.

In the hospital treatment of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the General Hospital “Dr Radivoj Simonović” Sombor, there are currently 12 patients with confirmed coronavirus.


In respirators 77 patients

In the last 24 hours, 11,192 people were tested in Serbia and 2,677 were confirmed coronaviruses.

9 more people lost the fight to kovid 19.

There are 77 patients on respirators.

“The second wave, the month of June was hell for us. I couldn’t imagine that anything could be more difficult. These days it has only been confirmed that there is always harder and now we have had terrible pressure from patients and that’s why these hospitals have switched to kovid mode. ” “There are just so many and you constantly hear the sirens of the ambulances,” Stevanovic emphasizes.

An epidemic broke out in Kladovo, and the new focus is the “Topalović” Nursing Home. Of 79 users, 48 ​​were infected with coronavirus, as well as nine employees.
