The head of the Serbian Orthodox Church was tested on the crown for attending Amfilohije’s funeral


PATRIARCH IRINEJ POSITIVE ON KOVID 19: SOC Leader Examined for Crown for Attending Amfilohije's Funeral

Photo: Beta / Presidency of Serbia / Dimitrije Goll / DS

Bishop Stefan Saric, vicar bishop of Patriarch Irinej and elder of the Temple of Saint Sava, reveals to Kurir that the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church was examined for coronavirus after returning from Montenegro, where he served a funeral for Blessed Metropolitan Radomir of Montenegro -Primorje on Sunday in front of thousands of believers and dignitaries of the church gathered. .

photo: Zorana Jevtić

The believer’s prayers

– Patriarch Irinej was tested due to his visit to Montenegro and it was positive. There are no symptoms or problems. He was admitted to the hospital to check his health, because he is 90 years old, says Bishop Stefan.

He adds that it is important for citizens to take epidemiological measures into account in order to prevent the spread of the epidemic.

– All believers certainly pray. This is important, and it is important that we all take care not to contribute to the further spread of the epidemic. We need to be socially responsible, be careful, get people tested on time if they notice any symptoms. It is important to preserve those who are healthy, and for those who, unfortunately, are positive for the virus, pray for their recovery – adds the Vicar Bishop.

Self insulating

photo: Nebojsa Mandic

It should be remembered that Patriarch Irinej was admitted to the kovid “Karaburma” military hospital on the night between Wednesday and Thursday, after his test confirmed the presence of coronavirus. The Serbian Orthodox Church says that Patriarch Irinej is in good general condition, without problems and without fever.

– He was admitted to the hospital for medical supervision and control. A team of doctors from various specialties will take care of your health status in a consular way – says the Serbian Orthodox Church

In addition to the patriarch, let us remember, the bishop of Budva-Niksic and the administrator of the Metropolitanate de Montenegro-Primorje Joanikije, as well as five nuns of the Pec Patriarchate, also have the crown. Immediately after receiving the first symptoms, Joanikije was isolated in the monastery of Đurđevi stupovi.

– The vital parameters are stable – body temperature, saturation and blood pressure, and his subjective feeling is good – is stated in the announcement of the Diocese of Budva-Niksic.

The metropolitan published telegrams

Djukanovic’s condolences in the first place

Yesterday, all the incoming telegrams on the occasion of the death of Metropolitan Amfilohije were published on the official website of the Metropolitanate de Montenegro y el Litoral, and first of the long list of telegrams was the one sent by Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic, who did not attended the funeral.

Telegrams also arrived from around the world, from numerous embassies, organizations, politicians and prominent personalities. Among the published telegrams is that of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić. As it is said, he expressed his sincere condolences to the clergy, monks and faithful of the metropolis in pain and sadness.

Photo / Source: Beta / Serbian Presidency / Dimitrije Goll / DS / KV

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