The head of NATO always does this in Serbian!



Photo: Instagram Printscreen, Jens Stoltenberg

BELGRADE – NATO First Man and Former Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg loves to swear and does so exclusively in Serbian! A childhood memory in Belgrade?

During one of his visits to Belgrade, he kept his photo as a child …

You’ve probably heard the story of Jens who grew up in Belgrade as a child because his father was his ambassador here probably a hundred times, as well as the fact that he likes kebabs, stuffed peppers and local ice cream better, but he likes it curse the juicy, exclusively in Serbian. most are novelty.

That fact, if the writer is to be believed, was revealed in his book “Fvonk” by Erland Lou, who deals with Jens’ private and political life. Apparently, it is your stress filter! He curses our way, making it easier for him later.

Jens is the son of the famous Norwegian diplomat and politician Torvald Stoltenberg, the former head of Norwegian diplomacy who knows our region very well.

His father was a diplomat in Belgrade, so little Jens had the opportunity to learn everything in Serbia, even the rude ones. Stoltenberg discovered a few years ago, during his official visit to Belgrade, that his sister was born in the then Trauma Hospital in Belgrade.

“I remember we had the first ice cream in Kalemegdan and we lived on Kosta Racina street. I also remember that we sang a children’s song: ‘Ringe ringe raja, dosho čika Paja,'” says Stoltenberg.

Christmas in the Stoltenbergs, NATO chief cuts vegetables for salad

He previously told the media that he lived in Belgrade for three years and that his best memory is Kalemegdan, where he learned to ski. By the way, Stoltenberg’s father Torvald, who was the UN peace broker for the former Yugoslavia, became the first secretary of the Norwegian embassy in Belgrade in 1960.

This is how Jens grew up in Dedinje, and was cared for by Smilja Katic from Subotica, not only in Belgrade but also later in Oslo. “Jens is not my son, but he stayed that way in my heart,” Katic said during a 2007 meeting with Stoltenberg at the home where he grew up.

photo: Instagram Printscreen, Jens Stoltenberg

Remember that Jens was a naughty boy, but a good boy who really liked to play and help the grown-ups. Jens visited his home in Subotica in 2000, when he was Norwegian Prime Minister. The NATO Secretary General once said that he had a happy childhood in Belgrade and that he likes to come to Serbia.

Wedding with Ingrid …

Married, has a daughter and a son

Stoltenberg is married to a diplomat named Ingrid Schulerud with whom he has a son, Axel Stoltenberg (1989), who studies Chinese in Shanghai, and a daughter, Ana Katarina Stoltenberg (1992), who is a member of Smerz, an experimental pop music duo and electronics. He has a sister, Camilla, who specializes in medicine. His younger sister, Nina, passed away in 2014, during his recovery from heroin addiction. He was born in 1959 and lived in Belgrade from 1961 to 1964. He spends his summers in the family cabin on the island. He loves the sporting life, he often rides his bicycle and in winter he is dedicated to Nordic skiing. He was even in Antarctica.


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