THE HAGUE REQUESTS APPROVAL OF JUDGMENT: New request to extradite two radicals, Radeta says there are no grounds for arrest


This position of the State is based on the decision of the Belgrade High Court of May 2016, which establishes that there are no legal grounds for the extradition of radicals, because “The Law on Cooperation with the Court of The Hague establishes the obligation to extradite only defendants of war crimes, not defendants in contempt of court. “

Radeta and Jojic are accused of allegedly bribing witnesses in a trial against SRS leader Vojislav Seselj, who spent a decade in Scheveningen prison. In 2012, an accusation was filed against him, alleging that “threats, blackmail and bribery persuaded witnesses to change their statements or not to testify.” Two days ago, another dispatch arrived from The Hague stating that Serbia should arrest them as soon as possible and transfer them to The Hague.

– Nothing has changed in our legal system. There is no basis for the extradition of Petar Jojić and I, and there never can be, because it was decided by a final decision of the Belgrade High Court. We are still ready to answer our courts in all respects and to show that we did not do anything illegal, Radeta told “Novosti”.

The court issued an arrest warrant against the radicals in January 2015 and an international arrest warrant in October the following year. Serbia demanded that his case be handed over to the national judiciary, which was approved at one point. The decision was later modified because “the witnesses were concerned for his safety.” And despite all the guarantees sent by the Ministry of Justice, The Hague has not changed position.

Reports on Serbia’s cooperation with The Hague have regularly accused Serbia of not cooperating in the case of radicals.


There were dozens of contempt trials before the Court in The Hague. The fines are different, from fines to several months behind bars. Former spokeswoman Florence Artman was also held in contempt of court.

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