08.12.2020. 18:35
She withdrew from the stage.

Photo: Instagram / Printscreen
Former “Zvezda Granda” finalist Ajša Kapetanović revealed that she is pregnant and hid the news for six months.
Earlier this year, Aisha secretly married her husband Adi, and now they have revealed the good news that they are expecting a baby.
– Something cuter in the world is coming to us – wrote the singer on Instagram, revealing that she is in the sixth month of pregnancy.
However, for now he does not want to reveal the sex of the baby.
– We will know another time, perhaps with new photos on social networks – Aisha said for “Grand Online” and admitted that she enjoys her pregnancy days and that she agrees with her husband on a name for the baby.
– Everything is going well, I can handle the other situation well and I enjoy it a lot. My husband and I have already come up with a couple of names, we have several options, but we will talk about that only when the time comes – she said.
See how the wedding was HERE