The great-grandfather took the boy to the doctor, when the boy began to speak, they immediately called the police! Father sentenced to 30 days in prison!



26.10.2020. 18:30

At the suggestion of the Sremska Mitrovica High Prosecutor’s Office, Marko K. (30), suspected of kissing his five-year-old son, was placed in preventive detention for up to 30 days. According to unofficial information, the suspect’s father denied his guilt before the judge, justifying himself by saying that he would never hurt his son.

Borca, police, chronicle, investigation

Police, illustration, Photo: Alo / Dejan Briza

After questioning the suspect Marko from Sremska Mitrovica, the Higher Public Ministry issued an order to carry out an investigation, due to the existence of reasonable suspicion that he committed this crime, and as “Novosti” learns, the arrest proposal was made, between other things, he is accused of causing public harassment.

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The case, which shook not only this city but also beyond, took place on Friday afternoon when the great-grandfather of a five-year-old boy was taken to the doctor for health problems.

– In the conversation between the pediatrician and the child, as the child said that he lies down with his father and that he often touches the intimate parts of the body, the doctor became suspicious and immediately informed the police – says the source of this work Of the investigation. in this family as if the father had not been prosecuted.

In the settlement where this family lives, the neighbors are still incredulous and shocked. It is said that Marko was “married” in Sremska Mitrovica and had never had any problems with him before.

– Your wife works somewhere abroad and went to see her father-in-law. He took care of the little one, he took care of him, but nobody knows what is behind someone’s four walls – says one of the neighbors on this street.
