The Government session is over, these are new measures in the fight against the crown



11.15.2020. 13:47 – 15.11.2020. 14:25

Prime Minister Ana Brnabić addressed the public after the extraordinary session of the Government of Serbia.

Ana Brnabić

Ana Brnabić, Photo: screenshots

The main topic of the session was the new measures in the fight against the corona virus.

– I accepted the proposal to introduce even more restrictive measures. We have made the decision to limit the work of everything except pharmacies, food delivery, gas stations and the economy. It is limited so that these facilities do not work from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. the next day. We will begin applications on Tuesday, November 17th and will last until December 1st.


* The work of all the facilities is limited except pharmacies, food delivery, gas stations and the economy that must work the third shift.

* There are no school closings

The Prime Minister said that a driving ban would not be introduced for the time being.

– If it is more necessary, we will go with that measure, but at this moment we are not even thinking about it. We know that this is the next measure, but all predictions are that the measures taken now will pay off and that the number of new infections will begin to decline.

Government of Serbia

Government of Serbia, Photo: Tanjug

– It is very important for me to repeat it, all the time we try to find a balance between health and economic measures. See how much we had extraordinary expenses for tests, oxygen, medications, additional medical devices. So it’s clear to you that only with a living economy can we cover all of those costs, Brnabić said, adding:

We currently have one of the lowest mortality rates in Europe and the worldand I want to thank our medical staff. Our crown mortality today is 1.3 percent and only a few countries are below us, and all the others have a mortality rate higher than that. That shows how well we all work together and implement the measures in the best possible way, says Brnabić.

He reported that, together with the Minister of Health and Police, he had a meeting with the President of Serbia this morning, in which the situation was assessed in terms of the number of infected, the situation in hospitals, the implementation of current measures, where additional controls are needed.

– With the president I analyzed the economic situation and the situation of the economy, as well as how additional measures can affect the economy. We agree that we must take this step now and see what results the new measure will bring – said the Prime Minister after the extraordinary session of the Government of Serbia.

The Prime Minister pointed out that we still have free beds in hospitals, which is not the case in many EU countries. She says that in Serbia today, corona virus test results can be obtained in 5 to 12 hours.

Session of the Government of Serbia

Session of the Government of Serbia, Photo: Tanjug

– In this part of Europe, Serbia is the country that most people tryAfter us are Slovenia and Romania. In addition to these alarming figures, in relation to the situation in the region and Europe, Serbia is in the green zone.

The Prime Minister said that there are currently no school closings and that there are currently 39 infected students in primary schools and 52 in secondary schools.

– Shows how responsible students and educators are.

Session of the Government of Serbia

Session of the Government of Serbia, Photo: Tanjug

The Prime Minister made a new appeal to the public to be disciplined, respect the measures, wear masks indoors and outdoors where it is not possible to keep your distance, keep your physical distance.

Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar said that the entire Banje Selters and Koviljača are becoming kovid.

– We must comply with the measure for 15 days. Everything must be closed at nine o’clock. We only want to save human lives and the health care system, we will need it in the future when the crown passes. I hope that the citizens of Serbia understand – said the Minister.

Responding to journalists’ questions, the Prime Minister said that she was open to further action, but believed that the action taken today would pay off.

According to the latest report, another 3,822 positives were positive for the corona virus and 17 patients died. Since the beginning of the epidemic, 81,086 people have been infected in Serbia and 989 have died. So far, 1,496,295 samples have been analyzed.
