THE GOVERNMENT PREVENTS AN IMPORTER FROM BUYING ALL “GOD’S DRINKS”: Modified rules to buy European Union wine with preferential treatment


This solved the complicated situation in our market, about which “Novosti” has already written, and arose after a retail chain bought 70% of the entire annual quota in June, thus preventing other traders from importing this drink at a rate preferential until the end of the year.

Now, the Government has determined that the maximum amount that an entrepreneur can import within each of the first three quarters is 15 percent of the quarterly quota, that is, 93,750 liters. The Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, which launched the initiative to solve this problem in order to create equitable and fair conditions for all market participants, values ​​this decision as very good, because it gives everyone the opportunity to buy the quantities they need. in the EU.

– It is possible that in the first three quarters the company can import 15 percent of the total quota quarterly, and in the last quarter until the quota is met as much as it wants – explains for our newspaper Zarko Malinovic of PKS. – This created the conditions for more realistic planning and implementation of importers’ plans.

A company, as it claims, can import 280,000 bottles in the first three quarters, and PKS’s analysis shows that the largest wine importers do not need those quantities.

It is very important that we work on spending quotas on top quality products, those with protected geographical origin – says Malinović.

– It is not good for businessmen to use them to import cheap wines that compete with our national producers at low prices and thus endanger them.

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