THE GOVERNMENT IS EXPANDING THE MEASURES FOR 15 MORE DAYS The numbers are dire, and PIK IS COMING! Are the bans still for the new year?


Yesterday, the Government of Serbia formalized the decision to extend the measure to reduce working hours until 6:00 p.m. to restaurants, cafes, bars, nightclubs, gambling houses and shopping centers, and to shops and other retail outlets until 9:00 p.m. Although this decision was limited in time until December 1, it will likely remain in effect longer, at least until December 15.

The new measures, which have been extended until December 15, if we take into account the announcements of the Crisis Staff experts, could be extended further after that date. Of course, everything will depend on the epidemiological situation, but as things are now, it is not very certain that the situation will improve drastically.

– The curve continues to grow and to slow growth it is important to respect the measures. We have always advocated for stricter measures, even before they were introduced. But I must point out that they have existed all the time and those that we had in force before protected us to the extent that they were implemented – said Dr. Srdja Jankovic yesterday.

According to mathematical estimates, the peak awaits us only in mid-December, when we can expect 10,000 neurally infected, so it would not be surprising if caterers and merchants extended the measure of reduced working hours even after that date.

Measurements in Belgrade

Photo: Vladimir Šporčić / RAS Serbia

Measurements in Belgrade

“For the winter, then to the hospital”

A member of the crisis staff, Dr. Branislav Tiodorović, suggested yesterday that it is not to be expected that this year can go through the winter without worry. Figuratively, he said that all those who plan to go to winter in the next period should reserve a place in the hospital.

In reaction to that statement, Dr. Janković practically noted that he is not optimistic about the hope that the virus will give up so much in the New Year that we can be unconcerned.

– I cannot prohibit anyone from trying to maintain their business, but what I can say as an immunologist is that I am not optimistic that we will have such a favorable situation for the New Year and Christmas parties in which these arrangements can be made . I would advise that we put the need for holidays and celebrations elsewhere – said Dr. Janković.

Schools are switching to online mode

Likewise, the Government yesterday adopted new measures related to the work of primary and secondary schools.

In other words, yesterday’s session confirmed the Crisis Staff proposal for the fight against kovid-19 that students from all secondary schools, as well as older primary school students, from fifth to eighth grade, go to Online classes starting Monday, November 30.

“In the period between November 30 and the start of winter holidays, on December 21, classes will be taught for students from fifth to eighth grade of primary school and for secondary school students. Winter break begins on December 21, 2020 and ends on January 15, 2021, and will be valid for all students of primary and secondary schools in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, “the decision reads.

Members of the Government approved the financial support program for sports organizations in difficult economic conditions due to the kovid-19 pandemic. In order to preserve the stability of the sports system in Olympic and Paralympic sports, funds were provided in the amount of 1,100,000,000 dinars.
