The government has adopted new measures, what and how long it works for the weekend


The new government decision enabled work Until 8 pm commercial and catering facilities, with greater control over compliance with epidemiological measures.

This measure also applies to service activities: hairdressers, beauty salons, gyms.

The new measures include closed shopping centers and similar facilities in which the retail activity is carried out, and whose surface is greater than 300 square meters.

In this space, the maximum number of visitors is limited to one visitor. nine square meters.

The guards will be obliged to control the observance of epidemiological measures in the facilities: use of masks, physical distance and number of visitors allowed.

Will be engaged in the field greater number of sanitary inspectors, which will control compliance with the measures in the facilities and hotels, especially in Kopaonik and Zlatibor.

Measures that are already in force

Let us remind you, according to the previous decision of the Government, the facilities and institutions in the field of culture can operate every day until 9:00 p.m.

In accordance with the measures adopted above, catering establishments are authorized to carry out uninterrupted food delivery activities, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, as well as other businessmen whose main activity is that.

Likewise, pharmacies and gas stations (fuel sales activity) can operate non-stop, every day without restrictions.

Labs and medical surgeries can operate around the clock, including weekends.

Supermarkets, shops, commercial premises, newsstands, kiosks and the like, where, as a general rule, the facilities are not entered when the purchase is made, they can be open on weekdays and weekends until 9 pm.
